 Translation for 'Australian sea lion' from English to Russian
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SYNO Australian sea lion | Zalophus lobatus
австралийский морской лев {м} [Neophoca cinerea]
Australian sea lion
Partial Matches
морской лев {м}
sea lion
калифорнийский морской лев {м} [Zalophus californianus]
California sea lion
сивуч {м} [Eumetopias jubatus]
Steller sea lion
южный морской лев {м} [Otaria flavescens]
South American sea lion
австралийский {adj}Australian
австралиец {м}Australian
шлемоносный казуар {м} [Casuarius casuarius]
Australian cassowary
австралийский пеликан {м} [Pelecanus conspicillatus]
Australian pelican
австралийский морской ангел {м} [Squatina australis]
Australian angelshark
австралийка {ж}Australian [female]
австралийская змеешейка {ж} [Anhinga novaehollandiae]
Australian darter
Большой Австралийский залив {м}
Great Australian Bight
лев {м}
горный лев {м} [Puma concolor]
mountain lion [Am.]
львиная доля {ж}
lion's share
пещерный лев {м} [Panthera (leo) spelaea] [вымерший вид]
European cave lion [extinct]
Ветер и лев [Джон Милиус]
The Wind and the Lion [John Milius]
Балийское море {с}
Bali Sea
Целебесское море {с}
Celebes Sea
море {с} Флорес
Flores Sea
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Translation for 'Australian sea lion' from English to Russian

Australian sea lion
австралийский морской лев {м} [Neophoca cinerea]зоол.T

sea lion
морской лев {м}зоол.T
California sea lion
калифорнийский морской лев {м} [Zalophus californianus]зоол.T
Steller sea lion
сивуч {м} [Eumetopias jubatus]зоол.T
South American sea lion
южный морской лев {м} [Otaria flavescens]зоол.T
австралийский {adj}

австралиец {м}
Australian cassowary
шлемоносный казуар {м} [Casuarius casuarius]орн.T
Australian pelican
австралийский пеликан {м} [Pelecanus conspicillatus]орн.T
Australian angelshark
австралийский морской ангел {м} [Squatina australis]ихтио.T
Australian [female]
австралийка {ж}
Australian darter
австралийская змеешейка {ж} [Anhinga novaehollandiae]орн.T
Great Australian Bight
Большой Австралийский залив {м}геогр.
лев {м}зоол.T
mountain lion [Am.]
горный лев {м} [Puma concolor]зоол.T
lion's share
львиная доля {ж}идиом.
European cave lion [extinct]
пещерный лев {м} [Panthera (leo) spelaea] [вымерший вид]зоол.T
The Wind and the Lion [John Milius]
Ветер и лев [Джон Милиус]фильмF
Bali Sea
Балийское море {с}геогр.
Celebes Sea
Целебесское море {с}геогр.
Flores Sea
море {с} Флоресгеогр.
Usage Examples English
  • Other threatened mammals in the area include the southern brown bandicoot, western ringtail possum, Australian sea lion and the New Zealand fur seal.
  • Several other animals visit this area regularly, including the Australian sea lion and the bottlenose dolphin.
  • It is the home of the third largest Australian sea lion colony in Australia.
  • Other features that contributed to the declaration include the small breeding population of Australian sea lions on the North Neptune Islands, Australian sea lion haul out areas located on the South Neptune Islands, and the breeding/nesting populations of Cape Barren goose, white-bellied sea eagle, osprey and peregrine falcon.
  • The breeding cycle of the Australian sea lion is unusual within the pinniped family.

  • Many mammals, such as cetaceans, the owl monkey and the Australian sea lion (pictured at right) are monochromats.
  • Part of the conservation park were declared as a prohibited area at the day of establishment to prevent any disturbance of the breeding cycle of the Australian sea lion and New Zealand fur seal population.
  • The land that adjoins Point Labatt was used for agricultural purposes until it was donated in 1972 by Ron, Myra and Ellen Freeman for the purpose of creating a protected area for the Australian sea lion colony.
  • Among there species recorded were Australian sea-lion, little penguin, Cape Barren goose and bush rat.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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