Translation for '
Bedouin' from English to Russian
NOUN1 | a Bedouin | Bedouin / Bedouins | |
NOUN2 | a bedouin | bedouin / bedouins | |
SYNO | Bedouin | Beduin |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Arabians are most prevalent in the Arabian Peninsula, but are also found in large numbers in Mesopotamia (Arab tribes in Iraq), the Levant and Sinai (Negev Bedouin, Tarabin bedouin), as well as the Maghreb (Eastern Libya, South Tunisia and South Algeria) and the Sudan region.
- In 1896 a population list noted that Beit Ta'mir was "half bedouin".
- Based in Mukawir, near Madaba, the project works to promote bedouin handicrafts and to improve economic and social well-being of bedouin women and children.
- The Al Buainain tribe was one of the several bedouin tribes to move to Bahrain in 1783, after the Al Khalifa conquered the island.
- Anazzah was divided into a sedentary section in southern Yamama and a bedouin section further north.
- At the turn of the 20th century, they comprised both nomadic ("bedouin") and sedentary sections.
- It includes features of both urban and bedouin dialects given its development in the historical cities of Jeddah, Medina and Mecca in proximity to the bedouin tribes that lived on the outskirts of these cities, in addition to a minimal influence in vocabulary from other urban Arabic dialects and Modern Standard Arabic, and more recently the influence of the other dialects of Saudi Arabia, all of which made Urban Hejazi a dialect that is distinctly unique but close to peninsular dialects on one hand and urban Arabic dialects on the other.
- The inspiration for the design comes from the bedouin tents. The roof is partially retractable.
- The Na'im was one of the several bedouin tribes to move to Bahrain in 1783 after the Al Khalifa conquered the island.
- Salim bin Ghabaisha (1930 – 2 January 2016) was a bedouin of Al Rashidi branch of Al Kathiri tribe, and a companion of Sir Wilfred Thesiger, who crossed the Rub' al Khali desert twice between 1945 and 1950.
- is a folkloric dance of celebration known as the "hagallah" is performed by the settled "Bedouin "(bedu) of Mersa Matruh in Western Egypt and is often performed during the date harvest, which is the wedding season in that area.
- Katakura's main field of study was focused on the Islamic world including bedouin, and multicultural studies.
- The Azwafit or Azwafayt (...) is a tribe of bedouin (nomad) Arab origin.
- "Ghayāthī" (...), with 14,022 inhabitants (2005 census), is a town in the western region of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Originally a bedouin settlement, today many inhabitants work in agriculture.
- Al-Hanajira (also Arab al-Hanajira, al-Hanajra or el-Hanajreh) was one of the five principal Bedouin tribes inhabiting the Negev Desert prior to the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
- William ('Willie') Osbert Lancaster (13 March 1938 – 19 May 2022) was a British social anthropologist who specialised in the study of the Arab world, particularly the bedouin tribes in the Levant and Middle East.
- In 1906, an attack by local bedouin on isolated settler farms near Kasserine, and the French civil administration offices during the Thala-Kasserine Disturbances was the first violent resistance to French authority under the protectorate.
- Khirbat al-Majdal was located on the Crusader place called "Megedallum". The site had a well, around which bedouin gradually settled.
- In 1906, an attack by local bedouin on the French civil administration offices during the Thala-Kasserine Disturbances was the first violent resistance to French authority under the protectorate.
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