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 Translation for 'Br' from English to Russian
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SYNO atomic number 35 | BR | Br | ...
бронхиальный {adj}
bronchial <br>
бром {м} <Br>
bromine <Br>
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Translation for 'Br' from English to Russian

bronchial <br>
бронхиальный {adj}анат.мед.

bromine <Br>
бром {м} <Br>хим.
  • бром {м} <Br> = bromine <Br>
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Usage Examples English
  • is the Internet exchange point system of Brazil.
  • The Br-19 was an experimental piece which combined elements of late production Br-2 (breechblock, barrel with deep rifling) with elements of B-30.
  • Six brake vans numbered B580–5 were built for London Transport by British Railways (BR) at the latter's Ashford Works in the early 1960s.
  • This algorithm will involve nr*bs+ br block transfers and nr+br seeks, where br and bs are number of blocks in relations R and S respectively, and nr is the number of tuples in relation R.
  • Palitoy produced under the Mainline Railways brand a train set called the "Master Cutler" containing a model of BR Blue Class 45 number 45039 "The Manchester Regiment", two BR Blue/Grey MK1 SKs and a BSK.

  • Highway connections are made by BR-153 / Anápolis / BR-060 / Alexânia / Planaltina (DF) / GO-430 / BR-010/GO-118 / São Gabriel (district) / GO-230.
  • Highway connections are made by BR-153 / Anápolis / BR-060 / Alexânia / Sobradinho / Planaltina / Formosa / BR-020 / BR-030 / BR-020 / Vila Boa / Alvorada do Norte.
  • Initial releases from Bachmann Branchline include the LMS Black Lined version 31-690 in February 2017, BR Black early emblem and BR Black late emblem. Later liveries to follow.
  • Unlike the smaller BR Standards the exhaust steam manifold within the smokebox saddle (along with the BR Standard Class 7 engines) was a steel casting that was welded into the saddle.
  • According to's by-laws, its membership is composed of three types of members: founding, special and honorary.

  • Via Varejo holds a 21.9% stake in Cnova Brazil, which owns and operates the following online stores:,,
  • Asteroid retired to stand at Woodburn and sired quite a few horses including, Ada A. (br f 1869), Arnica (br f 1868), Lerna (br f 1868) and Nellie Grim (ch f 1870), but nothing of great note.
  • 6417 in BR unlined black and no. 6412 in BR lined Brunswick Green, with an N gauge version (under the Graham Farish brand) to follow shortly [...] with no.
  • Like solid chlorine and iodine, solid bromine crystallises in the orthorhombic crystal system, in a layered arrangement of Br [...] molecules.
  • Allantodia australis R.Br., Athyrium australe (R.Br.) C.Presl; Athyrium umbrosum subp.

  • The Division 1 Library serves the Prep levels as well as Grades 1 through 3 of the school.
  • In 2017, accounts associated with DNS records of Brazilian banks were hacked.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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