Translation for '
Chicago' from English to Russian
NOUN | Chicago | - | |
SYNO | boodle | Chicago | Michigan | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- In addition to poker and radio, Ben is President of the Sheridan Carroll Food Pantry in Chicago. More commonly known as, this food pantry feeds over 200 families each month.
- On September 26, 2011, Welsh wrote on Twitter: "dreamt i died in chicago next weekend (heart attack in my sleep).
- Newspaper sites such as the "Chicago Tribune" and the "Chicago Sun-Times" have incorporated a map from EveryBlock, the successor to, into their web sites.
- Their latest release on Metal Postcard Records, A collection of chicago trax records influenced acid workouts and pop melodies.
- For example, the website ABC 7 in Chicago had been hosted at but is now instead hosted on
- "Cantharellus chicagoensis", the Chicago chanterelle, is a species of "Cantharellus" from United States.
- They have a variety of vocalizations including the social "chicago" call, contact "pips" and warning "pips".
- The Chicago Rose of Tralee Centre is already taking applications for the 2015 Chicago Rose at
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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