 Translation for 'Eugene' from English to Russian
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SYNO Eugene | Prince Eugene of Savoy
Евгений {м}
Евгений Онегин [А.С. Пушкин]
Eugene Onegin [Alexander Pushkin]
2 translations
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Translation for 'Eugene' from English to Russian

Евгений {м}оном.

Eugene Onegin [Alexander Pushkin]
Евгений Онегин [А.С. Пушкин]лит.F
Usage Examples English
  • Raymond and Eugene head towards the burned village in search of Valerie.
  • Eugenia is a feminine first name related to the masculine name Eugene that comes from the Greek "eugenes" 'well-born', from "eu"- 'well' + "genes" 'born' (from "genos").
  • Miller was the head coach for South Eugene High School in Eugene, Oregon, from 2001 to 2006.
  • Eugene was founded in 1904, and named after Eugene Simpson, the original owner of the town site. A post office called Eugene has been in operation since 1904.
  • "Note:" This is the last appearance of Eugene Byrd as Eugene.

  • "Eugene Sings!" and "Eugene Sings! Christmas" are "Adventures in Odyssey" musical albums, released by Tyndale House.
  • In March 1867, recent high water in the river had changed the channels leading to Eugene, and created a shallow bar about six miles south of Eugene, so that "Enterprise", running under Capt.
  • Pacific Christian Hospital was a hospital in Eugene, Oregon, United States.
  • Rosita and Daryl capture Eugene after killing his bodyguards and take him to the Hilltop colony.
  • Lincoln that Eugene had made racial comments to two students in the lunch line.

  • Newland attended North Eugene High School in Eugene, Oregon.
  • Albert Maignan left the Louvre a portrait by Louis-Eugene of Eugénie-Paméla Larivière (c 1804–1824), sister to Charles-Philippe and Louis-Eugène.
  • Founding members were René Guilleré, Hector Guimard, Eugène Gaillard, Eugène Grasset, Maurice Dufrêne and Paul Follot.
  • The Eugeneodontida is an extinct and poorly known order of cartilaginous fishes.
  • At the time of his death, Eugene was survived by his wife, Cynthia Ledesma from Kabankalan, Negros Occidental, and five children: Eugene II; Eugene III; Eunice; Louisine; and Eugene IV.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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