 Translation for 'Hesperides' from English to Russian
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SYNO Atlantides | Hesperides
Геспериды {мн}
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Translation for 'Hesperides' from English to Russian

Геспериды {мн}миф.
Usage Examples English
  • The modern day Berbers may have believed that the Hesperides were situated in modern Morocco.
  • Presumably, Johan Christian Fabricius named the genus for Hesperia, one of the Hesperides.
  • It is served by the Nueva Hesperides International Airport.
  • The first additional labour was to steal three of the golden apples from the garden of the Hesperides.
  • In Greek mythology, Tara was one of the seven Hesperides and sister of Aiopis, Antheia, Kalypso, Donakis, Mermesa and Nelisa.

  • In Greek mythology, Nelisa was one of the seven Hesperides and sister of Aiopis, Antheia, Donakis, Kalypso, Mermesa and Tara.
  • The Hesperides' failure in their duty mirrors the lady’s.
  • It is bounded by Hespérides Point to the north, Hesperides Hill and Atlantic Club Ridge to the east, and Boeritsa Point to the south.
  • In 2007, Hexperos's first full album "The Garden of the Hesperides" was released under the independent Portuguese label Equilibrium Music.
  • The Hespérides Trough (...) is an undersea trough named for the Spanish research vessel "Hespérides". The name was approved by the Advisory Committee on Undersea Features in November 1995.

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