Translation for '
Icelandic' from English to Russian
ADJ | Icelandic | more Icelandic | most Icelandic | |
NOUN | Icelandic | - | |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- The Icelandic Society for American Football (ISAF) was an icelandic American football league that played from 1988 to 1991.
- Würth has also been sponsor on the uniform for icelandic top division club Fylkir since 2017 and French top division club RC Strasbourg Alsace.
- In 2006, the Ministry of Justice increased the number of Ásatrú priests allowed to conduct legally binding ceremonies (icelandic:vígsluréttindi) from two (the "allsherjargoði" and his substitute) to five.
- Ásta Eir Árnadóttir (born 23 August 1993) is an Icelandic footballer who plays Breiðablik in the Icelandic Úrvalsdeild kvenna and the Icelandic national team.
- ICGV "Baldur" was a naval trawler of the Icelandic Coast Guard.
- Sandra Erlingsdóttir (born 27 July 1998) is an Icelandic handball player and a member of the Icelandic national team.
- Hallveig Jónsdóttir (born 9 July 1995) is an Icelandic basketball player who plays for Valur of the Icelandic Úrvalsdeild kvenna and the Icelandic national basketball team.
- Lovísa Thompson (born 27 October 1999) is an Icelandic handball player who plays for Valur, and the Icelandic national team.
- Hrafnhildur Hanna Þrastardóttir (born 14 May 1995) is an Icelandic handballer who plays for Icelandic top division side ÍBV and the Icelandic national team as a central back.
- "Auður" (Modern Icelandic spelling) or "Auðr" (Old Icelandic spelling) is an Old Norse-Icelandic female personal name.
- Danero Axel Thomas (born 8 April 1986) is an American and Icelandic basketball player who currently plays for Breiðablik in the Icelandic Úrvalsdeild karla.
- Jón Ólafur Jónsson (born 5 December 1940) is an Icelandic former footballer who played for the Icelandic men's national football team in 1969.
- Watson spent the 2011–2012 season with Úrvalsdeild karla club Grindavík, helping them win the Icelandic Supercup, the Icelandic Company Cup, and the Icelandic championship.
- Gunnhildur Gunnarsdóttir (born 7 August 1990) is an Icelandic basketball player and a former member of the Icelandic national basketball team.
- Anna María Sveinsdóttir (born 22 November 1969) is an Icelandic former basketball player and coach.
- A photochrom print of Margate Harbour was used by the icelandic-american band Low Roar as an album cover for "ross.", the band's 4th album released in 2019.
- In the icelandic Commonwealth, a bóndi figure was subject to the authority of a goði so their rights as free men were subject by law to a minimum in properties (a cow, a boat or a network for each family member) and establish a formal relationship with the goði, thereafter a bóndi formally considered a follower and his vote as "Þingmaðr" ("men of thing") was influenced by the will of goði in the Althing.
- Konráð was a pioneer in the field of Icelandic dictionaries, publishing a Danish-Icelandic dictionary in 1851.
- Karen Knútsdóttir (born 4 February 1990) is an Icelandic handballer who plays for Icelandic top division side Fram and the Icelandic national team as a middle back.
- Arnór Sveinn Aðalsteinsson (born 26 January 1986) is an Icelandic football player, currently playing for Icelandic football club Breiðablik.
- Brännö is mentioned in the icelandic Sagas as the location of several important thing assemblies in the Viking Age and later.[...] The "Laxdæla saga" relates that the beautiful Irish princess Melkorka was sold as a thrall to the Icelandic chieftain Hoskuld Dala-Kollsson, during a fair on Brännö, in the 10th century.
- Thröstur Thórhallsson (Icelandic orthography: "Þrostur Þorhallsson"; born 19 March 1969) is an Icelandic chess grandmaster. He was Icelandic Chess Champion in 2012.
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