 Translation for 'Kazan' from English to Russian
SYNO Elia Kazan | Elia Kazanjoglous | Kazan
Казань {ж}
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Translation for 'Kazan' from English to Russian

Казань {ж}геогр.
Usage Examples English
  • Honoo no kazan no BATTLE!!
  • Kahramankazan (previously named Kazan) is a town and district of the Ankara Province in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey, standing on the plain of Akıncı to the north west of the city of Ankara.
  • The iron kazan is the most indispensable piece of cookware—it is used for cooking pilaf, soups, and even bread—if the kazan is shallow, it can be turned over to cook flatbread on the back.
  • They are steamed in a multi-level metal steamer called "mantovarka", "mantyshnitsa" (Russian terms for manti cooker), "manti-kazan" or "manti-kaskan" (manti pot).
  • Tolbo lake is also known as 100 kazan(100 pots). The reason why is the lake has 100 deep places that are just like pots.

  • In the Ottoman Empire, the kazan was the common symbol of the janissary regiments and they would overturn it to indicate a quarrel with their superiors.
  • İske Qazan (literally: "Old Kazan"; Cyrillic: Иске Казан), was a Bolghar-Tatar city in the 13-16th centuries, situated on the banks of the Kazanka River in the "Kazan artı" or "Zakazanye" region, in what is today the Russian Federation republic of Tatarstan.
  • The Great Kazan ("kazan" meaning "cauldron" or "reservoir") is the most famous and the most narrow gorge of the whole route: the river here narrows to 150 m and reaches a depth of up to [...].
  • Kazandibi or kazan dibi ([...] , lit. 'bottom of kazan or cauldron') is a Turkish dessert and a type of caramelized milk pudding.
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