Translation for '
Old English' from English to Russian
NOUN | Old English | - | |
SYNO | Anglo-Saxon | Old English |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
- The common name "alder" evolved from the Old English word "alor", which in turn is derived from Proto-Germanic root "aliso".
- Regular rhyme was not originally a feature of English poetry: Old English verse came in metrically-paired units somewhat analogous to couplets, but constructed according to alliterative verse principles.
- The name "Childe" is probably derived from the Old English word "cild" which was used as a title of honour.
- "Bretwalda" (also "brytenwalda" and "bretenanwealda", sometimes capitalised) is an Old English word.
- Bede's name reflects West Saxon "Bīeda" ( "Bǣda", Anglian "Bēda"). It is an Old English short name formed on the root of "bēodan" "to bid, command".
- English "blood" (Old English "blod") derives from Germanic and has cognates with a similar range of meanings in all other Germanic languages (e.g.
- "Beowulf" is written mostly in the Late West Saxon dialect of Old English, but many other dialectal forms are present, suggesting that the poem may have had a long and complex transmission throughout the dialect areas of England.
- The Old English translation of Orosius uses the form "Burgenda land".
- There is no known Old English personal name from which the first element can be derived.
- Common suggestions are that they are old English breeds introduced by the early whalers, or by Captain Cook or other early explorers.
- The name Alboin derives from the Proto-Germanic roots *"albiz" ("elf") and *"winiz" ("friend"); it is thus cognate with the Old English name "Ælfwine".
- The vernacular name "daisy", widely applied to members of this family, is derived from the Old English name of the daisy ("Bellis perennis"): [...] , meaning "day's eye".
- ", possibly influenced by Old English " [...] ", probably also from Latin "Brittania", ultimately an adaptation of the native word for the island, "*Pritanī".
- The "Þiðrekssaga" tells that the warrior Heime ("Háma" in Old English) takes sides against Ermanaric ("Eormanric"), king of the Goths, and has to flee his kingdom after robbing him; later in life, Hama enters a monastery and gives them all his stolen treasure.
- ("antíphōna") via Old English [...]. Both words originally referred to antiphons, a call-and-response style of singing.
- , Old English [...] , Middle English [...] and lastly "bishop".
- The exact derivation is unclear, with the Old English " [...] " or " [...] " and the Old Norse " [...] " all being possible candidates.
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