 Translation for 'Out of the question' from English to Russian
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SYNO impossible | inconceivable | out of the question | ...
Об этом не может быть и речи!Out of the question!
Partial Matches
нежданно-негаданно {adv}out of the blue
прямо из коробки {adv}
right out of the box
броситься вон из комнаты [в гневе, волнении и т.п.]to storm out of the room
пиздить кого-л. [несов.] [груб.] [неценз.]
to beat the crap out of sb. [vulg.]
Съебись! [груб.] [неценз.]
Get the fuck out of here! [vulg.]
из огня да в полымя
out of the frying pan into the fire
подшучивать над кем-л. [несов.]to take the mickey out of sb. [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.]
таскать для кого-л. каштаны из огня
to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for sb. [coll.]
женский вопрос {noun}
the woman question
выносить мусор [несов.]to put the garbage out
выносить мусор [несов.]to put the trash out [Am.]
в неисправностиout of order
выявлять дурные черты в ком-л.to bring out the worst in sb.
вне {prep} [+gen.]out of [outside from]
стать безработным [сов.]to get out of work
быть безработным [несов.]to be out of work
вырасти из чего-л.to grow out of sth.
unverified не иметь опытаto be out of practice
потерять рассудок [сов.]to be out of one's mind
У меня кончился кофе.I've run out of coffee. [coll.]
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Translation for 'Out of the question' from English to Russian

Out of the question!
Об этом не может быть и речи!

out of the blue
нежданно-негаданно {adv}
right out of the box
прямо из коробки {adv}космет.тех.
to storm out of the room
броситься вон из комнаты [в гневе, волнении и т.п.]
to beat the crap out of sb. [vulg.]
пиздить кого-л. [несов.] [груб.] [неценз.]идиом.
Get the fuck out of here! [vulg.]
Съебись! [груб.] [неценз.]ругат.
out of the frying pan into the fire
из огня да в полымяидиом.
to take the mickey out of sb. [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.]
подшучивать над кем-л. [несов.]
to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for sb. [coll.]
таскать для кого-л. каштаны из огняидиом.
the woman question
unverified женский вопрос {noun}ист.пол.социол.
to put the garbage out
выносить мусор [несов.]
to put the trash out [Am.]
выносить мусор [несов.]
out of order
в неисправности
to bring out the worst in sb.
выявлять дурные черты в ком-л.
out of [outside from]
вне {prep} [+gen.]
to get out of work
стать безработным [сов.]
to be out of work
быть безработным [несов.]
to grow out of sth.
вырасти из чего-л.
to be out of practice
unverified не иметь опыта
to be out of one's mind
потерять рассудок [сов.]
I've run out of coffee. [coll.]
У меня кончился кофе.
Usage Examples English
  • destroyers to eliminate the dry dock was out of the question.
  • It is not out of the question for a child to witness a homicide or suicide where their parent is the victim.
  • However, in late 1944, logistic problems meant that the former was temporarily out of the question.
  • Spherically truncating the potential is also out of the question as unrealistic behaviour may be observed when the distance is close to the cut off distance.
  • Marriage with Pearl is out of the question for Lewt due to his father's expectations that the family ranch not be "turned into an Injun reservation" though Lewt continues to exhibit jealous, controlling behaviors including attempting to murder his brother Jesse when he makes plans for Pearl to attend school in Austin.

  • Licensed production was likewise out of the question, the engine production was in the midst of being ramped and the demand was so great that not even one set of jigs could be spared.
  • Shipments of the Jumo 211 or DB 601 were not even able to fulfill German needs, so export of the engine for locally built airframes was likewise out of the question.
  • Due to the state of his finances, construction of the metal vessel was out of the question.
  • This way concerns on reproducing with other fishes would be out of the question.
  • When hostilities ended, new construction in defeated France was out of the question.

  • Blanking the screen is out of the question as the machine would appear to be out of service.
  • , a live event is not out of the question. Many interviews done this last month caused huge buzz in France and many now think that the live event might be held at the Stade de France (France's biggest stadium), where NTM was supposed to do a concert in 1999 but was canceled since the group already had been separated.
  • However this caused a problem with sparrows becoming a nuisance, and shooting was out of the question inside a glass building.
  • Owing to the impending contraction of the Army after the war, a regular commission in the Grenadiers was out of the question.
  • An electoral defeat for the government was out of the question because Pitt enjoyed the support of King George III.

  • With reshoots out of the question for such a low-budget movie, director Ulmer put storytelling above continuity.
  • Carol in response stated it was out of the question for him to cede any territory to Bulgarians, partly because he was against giving any of his realm on principle and partly because to cede the Dobrudja would only encourage the Hungarians to renew their claims on Transylvania.
  • Given "Excaliburs modest budget, a "name" composer was out of the question, so Boorman commissioned the up-and-coming young Jones.
  • At the time, "shōgun" Tokugawa Iesada was the de facto ruler of Japan; for the Emperor of Japan to interact in any way with foreigners was out of the question.
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