Translation for '
POB' from English to Russian
SYNO | call box | letter box | POB | ... |
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Usage Examples English
- 11 Ultraman" (หนุมาน พบ 11 ยอด มนุษย์ -"Hanuman pob Sibed Yodmanud") after being released in Thailand the film was released in United States under the title "Space Warriors 2000" ("The Year of the Monkey Wrench").
- During the Hmong New Year celebration, the Hmong ball-tossing game "pov pob" is a common activity for adolescents.
- "Hanuman and the Five Riders" (หนุมาน พบ 5 ไอ้มดแดง - "Hanuman pob Har Aimoddaeng" - literally "Hanuman meet the Five Ant Men") is a tokusatsu superhero film produced in 1975 by Chaiyo Productions of Thailand, founded by Sompote Sands.
- Isabela is politically subdivided into 30 barangays ("Pob." means poblacion).
- Morgan Llwyd's three shorter Welsh-language prose works are "Llythyr i'r Cymry Cariadus, Gwaedd yng Nghymru yn Wyneb pob Cynwybod," and "Cyfarwydd i'r Cymru," in which he stresses the urgent need of his readers for a personal reconciliation with God.
- Ag ynghariad Duw, pob Gwynfyd.
- Tigbauan is politically subdivided into 52 barangays ("Pob." is an abbreviation for poblacion).
- The term "provection" has also been used for a variety of other processes in Celtic with similar effects, such as when two successive voiced plosives were replaced by a single voiceless plosive (Welsh *"meid-din" from Latin "matutinum" "morning" becoming Welsh "(ers) meitin" "a while ago"), or when a voiced plosive was devoiced before a voiceless one and merged with it (Welsh "pob" "every" + "peth" "thing" becoming "popeth" "everything").
- In addition to Serbia, the show is broadcast in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Slovenia and Montenegro. The fifth season has the subtitle Na putu do pob(j)ede (On the road to victory).
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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