 Translation for 'Peneus' from English to Russian
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NOUN   Peneus | -
SYNO genus Peneus | Peneus
Пеней {м}
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Translation for 'Peneus' from English to Russian

Пеней {м}миф.
Usage Examples English
  • was an ancient city in the Pelasgiotis in Thessaly, Greece, on the Peneus (Peneios) river, situated approximately 5 km to the east of Larissa.
  • Daphne is said by ancient sources variously to have been a daughter of the (1) Thessalian river god Peneus by the nymph Creusa, or of (2) another Arcadian river-deity Ladon (Orontes) by Ge and Stymphalis, or lastly, King Amyclas of Amyclae.
  • According to Pherecydes, Asopus also fathered Philyra who became the mother of Hypseus by Peneus. In some sources, Pronoe who was the mother of Phocus by Poseidon was a daughter of Asopus.
  • ... , referred to in Latin sources as Peneus) is a river in Thessaly, Greece.
  • Peneus is a river god in Greek mythology.

  • In Greek mythology, Thissaeus was the son of Zeus and Chrysogenia, daughter of the river-god Peneus.
  • Hollow Elis (also known as Koile-Elis, or Vale of Elis) was a district of Elis, Greece. The district occupied the basin of the Peneus River. The district extended as far as Cape Araxos.
  • Apollo chases Daphne until she calls upon the help of her father Peneus. Peneus turns Daphne into a laurel tree, eternally bestowing her leaves on poets. Shepherds and nymphs dance around the tree.
  • The location of Peneus river at the level of the "station Rapsani" is a scenic landscape.
  • The arx of Argos and two towns (Larissa in Thessaly and one in the Peneus) are believed to have derived their name (meaning "citadel") from her.

  • She is possibly the same as Bura, mother of Atrax by Peneus.
  • "Nephele peneus" is a moth of the family Sphingidae. It is known from forests and woodland from Senegal to East Africa, Angola and Delagoa Bay.
  • , which was itslef named after a nymph that was a daughter of Peneus or Asopos.
  • The Lapiths ([...]; [...]) were a group of legendary people in Greek mythology, who lived in Thessaly, in the valley of the Peneus and on the mountain Pelion.
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