 Translation for 'PoA' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a poa | poas
SYNO genus Poa | Poa
доверенность {ж}
power of attorney <POA, PoA>
1 translation
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Translation for 'PoA' from English to Russian

power of attorney <POA, PoA>
доверенность {ж}право
Usage Examples English
  • The genus name combines the Ancient Greek "poa" meaning "grass" with "dutēs" meaning "diver".
  • The name combines the Ancient Greek "poa" meaning "grass" and "spiza" meaning "finch".
  • Periodically, when enough responsible candidates have reached the required standard, the whole community is mobilized and an initiation "poa" is organized.” Lewis, David H.
  • Many of the miners lived in town named Winterpock was named after the old name of the plantation, named after Winterpock Creek, possibly named by Native Americans as "Win-to-poa-ke".
  • The fairways and greens are poa annua and bent grass.

  • Bent grass covers the greens. The fairways are a rye and poa annua grass combination. The roughs also have a bit of bluegrass mixed in.
  • She released her single single ‘In love’ featuring Vivian, followed by ‘Ni poa’ featuring Pitson.
  • The genus name combines the Ancient Greek "poa" meaning "grass" with "dutēs" meaning "diver".
  • Beginning in the spring of 2010 a renovation of the playing surface took place after a contamination of poa annua was found in the turf.
  • This brought together reggae artists and groups like Badman collage, Stephantom Wargamble and Daddy poa who recorded single tracks on dancehall reggae songs that were unprejudiced, tracks like "Wacha Icheze"(let the music play) which became an instant hit in the clubs and radio stations, this wave introduced another form of music distribution where most local reggae artists felt they didn't get enough air play on the station and street mixtapes were born.

  • "Puccinellia maritima" is a species of grass known by the common names including seaside alkaligrass, common saltmarsh-grass or sea poa grass.
  • "Poa foliosa" is a species of tussock grass commonly known as muttonbird poa. It is native to the subantarctic islands of New Zealand and Australia.
  • "Magnaporthe poae" is an ascomycete fungus which causes the turfgrass disease commonly known as summer patch, or Poa patch.
  • The SSSI contains 2 species on the Red Data Book of rare and endangered plant species; early meadow-grass ("poa infirma") and slender bird's-foot-trefoil (from the lotus genus).
  • The SSSI contains 2 species on the Red Data Book of rare and endangered plant species; early meadow-grass ("poa infirma") and slender bird’s-foot-trefoil (from the lotus genus).

  • "Arctohyalopoa" was first described in the scientific journal "Taxon" by the authors Martin Röser and Natalia Tkach in 2020.
  • "Epichloë typhina" subsp. "poae" (Tadych, K.V. Ambrose, F.C. ...
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