 Translation for 'Polites' from English to Russian
Полит {м}
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Translation for 'Polites' from English to Russian

Полит {м}миф.
Usage Examples English
  • Viola adunca is the larval host plant of Myrtle's silverspot. Bees and other insects pollinate it. Polites mardon uses it as a nectar source, and birds and mice use the seed as a food source.
  • Polites (...) of Ceramus was a famous runner who won three different races in the same day at the Olympia.
  • Antiphonus was killed along with his brothers Polites and Pammon by Neoptolemus, Achilles' son, during the siege of the city.
  • A key collection of modern Greek riddles is N. G. Polites, 'Demode Ainigmata', in "Neohellenika Analekta", I (Athens, 1870), 193–256.
  • "The Murder Game" is an American horror film starring Steve Polites, Katie Sirk, Samuel Klein and directed by Robert Harari. The film is distributed by Warner Bros. and Lightyear Entertainment.

  • 4867 Polites [...] is a Jupiter trojan from the Trojan camp, approximately [...] in diameter.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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