Translation for '
Polyphemus' from English to Russian
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Usage Examples English
- The horseshoe crab ("Limulus polyphemus") was officially adopted on June 25, 2002, in recognition of its importance and value in the medical field and as the principal food source for more than a million shore birds.
- The most studied cartilage in arthropods is the branchial cartilage of "Limulus polyphemus".
- On the southern Coastal Plain, hispid cotton rats use gopher tortoise ("Gopherus polyphemus") burrows for shelter in sandhill scrub dominated by longleaf pine, bluejack oak ("Quercus incana") and sand post oak ("Q.
- Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) is an aqueous extract of blood cells (amoebocytes) from the Atlantic horseshoe crab "Limulus polyphemus".
- Cape Sable is home to the mangrove diamondback terrapin ("Malaclemys terrapin rhizophorarum") and the Florida gopher tortoise ("Gopherus polyphemus").
- Sound production by the caterpillar of the Polyphemus moth, "Antheraea polyphemus", may similarly be acoustic aposematism, connected to and preceded by chemical defences.
- CNG channel homologs in "Caenorhabditis elegans", "Drosophila melanogaster", and "Limulus polyphemus" have unknown functions.
- Examples: Luna moth ("Actias luna") and Polyphemus moth ("Antheraea polyphemus").
- Here you will find gopher tortoises ("Gopherus polyphemus"), butterflies ("Lepidoptera"), and numerous species of songbirds.
- "Morpho luna" may be a subspecies of "Morpho polyphemus" and be called "Morpho polyphemus luna".
- In particular, he cross-bred the North American Polyphemus moth (then called "Telea polyphemus") with Japanese and Indian giant silk moths of the genus "Antheraea", pointing out that the Polyphemus moth really belonged to that genus.
- Mature longleaf pine forests are important habitat for the vulnerable red-cockaded woodpecker ("Picoides borealis") and gopher tortoise ("Gopherus polyphemus").
- The area is also home to rare gopher tortoises ("Gopherus polyphemus").
- "Mecynorhina polyphemus" is a large scarab beetle of the subfamily Cetoniinae found in dense tropical African forests, sometimes called the Polyphemus beetle.
- The protein hemocyanin is the oxygen carrier in most mollusks and some arthropods such as the horseshoe crab ("Limulus polyphemus").
- Limulus amebocyte lysate, an aqueous extract of amebocytes from the Atlantic horseshoe crab ("Limulus polyphemus"), is commonly used in a test to detect bacterial endotoxins.
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