 Translation for 'Rhea' from English to Russian
NOUN   a rhea | rheas
SYNO nandu | Pterocnemia pennata | rhea | ...
Рея {ж}
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Translation for 'Rhea' from English to Russian

Рея {ж}астрон.миф.
Usage Examples English
  • These include the greater rhea ("Rhea americana"), ochre-breasted pipit ("Anthus nattereri"), yellow cardinal ("Gubernatrix cristata"), saffron-cowled blackbird ("Xanthopsar flavus") and pampas meadowlark ("Sturnella militaris").
  • One example of this rare avifauna is the giant flightless Darwin's rhea ("Rhea pennata"), which is similar to the ostrich found in the Old World, reaching up to one meter in height and 20 kg in weight.
  • The largest bird found in Brazil is the rhea, a flightless ratite bird, similar to the emu.
  • Ancient humans in the Patagonia region used to hunt greater rhea, and stencils of greater rhea feet dating back to the early holocene can be found at rock art sites such as Cueva de las Manos.
  • One subspecies of the lesser rhea, known by the scientific name "Rhea pennata tarapacensis", is a notable large terrestrial bird in this region, which subspecies is considered endangered.

  • Guanaco and vicuna were previously housed with rhea.
  • He escapes on his donkey while Mickey gives chase on his rhea and soon catches up to his rival.
  • Zuripujo (possibly from Aymara "suri" rhea, "phuju" spring of water, "rhea spring") is a [...] mountain in the Andes of southern Peru.
  • South America has two species of rhea, large fast-running birds of the Pampas. The larger American rhea grows to about [...] tall and usually weighs [...].
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