 Translation for 'Slavicization' from English to Russian
славянизация {ж}Slavicization [also: slavicization]
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
  • Slavicisation or Slavicization, is the acculturation of something Slavic into a non-Slavic culture, cuisine, region, or nation.
  • Aepa may be a slavicization of the Arab name Ayyub. A recent and more accepted theory reconstructs it to Ayoba or Ayapa (moon-father).
  • According to the legends of many Montenegrin highlander tribes, their ancestors came from Albania, so surnames like Đonović and Zogović point to Slavicization of Albanians.
  • The Illyrians were subject to varying degrees of Celticization, Hellenization, Romanization and later Slavicization which possibly lead to the extinction of their languages.
  • Old Prussian, or related Western Baltic dialects, may have been spoken as far southeast as Masovia and even Belarus in the early medieval period, but these populations would probably have undergone Slavicization before the 10th century.

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