 Translation for 'Slavism' from English to Russian
славянизм {м}
панславизм {м}
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Translation for 'Slavism' from English to Russian

славянизм {м}линг.этн.

панславизм {м}ист.пол.
Usage Examples English
  • Some gopniks have Russian nationalism or Pan-Slavism as their primary political views, though there are also leftist, far-right and even neo-Nazi gopnik communities.
  • Adolf Hitler had supported the Empire of Japan as early as 1904, when during the Russo-Japanese War it had defeated the Russians, which he considered a defeat for Austrian Slavism.
  • He wrote numerous books on nationalism, Pan-Slavism, German thought, and Judaism. He was an early contributor to the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia.
  • Its politically symbolic image as a western forepost of imperial Orthodoxy (being only several kilometres from the Greek-Catholics in Austrian-ruled Galicia) was widely used in propagating Pan-slavism.
  • ... 28 November 1822 – 7 November 1885) was a Russian Empire naturalist, economist, ethnologist, philosopher, historian and ideologue of Pan-Slavism and the Slavophile movement.

  • In 1908, he founded Neo-Slavism, based on the principle of equality among the Slav nations in contrast with Russian-dominated Pan-Slavism of the past.
  • Austro-Slavism or Austrian Slavism was a political concept and program aimed to solve problems of Slavic peoples in the Austrian Empire.
  • In December 2022, he was awarded a special distinction for his work in the field of Anti-Slavism studies by the Berlin Polish Social Council.
  • Ideas of Pan-Slavism and Yugoslavism were common themes.
  • They also became the Pan-Slavic colors, particularly Austro-Slavism in countries that became independent from the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.

  • Donatan is a self-declared adherent of Slavic Native Faith and has often been criticized for allegedly preaching pan-Slavism, paganism, satanism, recommending the Red Army, and promoting communist symbols including the hammer and sickle.
  • It was a branch of a larger and older Pan-Slavism ideology.
  • Defining an ethnos widely can lead to ethnic nationalism becoming a form of pan-nationalism or macronationalism - as in cases such as pan-Germanism or pan-Slavism.
  • Extensive pan-Slavism began much like Pan-Germanism: both these movements flourished from the sense of unity and nationalism experienced within ethnic groups after the French Revolution and the consequent Napoleonic Wars against traditional European monarchies.
  • A believer in Pan-Slavism, Dostoevsky disliked European culture for its corruption and criticized those of his countrymen who tried to imitate it.

  • Kavanjin identified with Slavs and Dalmatia, and John Fine interprets his pan-Slavism and Dalmatianism close to have been an ethnic notion.
  • "De origine successibusque Slavorum" (1532) is the first work in Croatian literature promoting the idea of Pan-Slavism.
  • Ján Kollár ([...]; 29 July 1793 – 24 January 1852) was a Slovak writer (mainly poet), archaeologist, scientist, Lutheran pastor, politician, and main ideologist of Pan-Slavism.
  • Hristofor Žefarović ([...] , [...] , "Hristofor Zhefarovich") was an 18th-century painter, engraver, writer and poet and a notable proponent of early pan-South Slavism.
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