 Translation for 'Sleeping' from English to Russian
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VERB   to sleep | slept | slept
sleeping | sleeps
SYNO dormancy | dormant | quiescence | ...
спальный мешок {м}sleeping bag
спальник {м} [разг.] [спальный мешок]sleeping bag
сонная болезнь {ж}
sleeping sickness
Забытое убийство [Агата Кристи]
Sleeping Murder [Agatha Christie]
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), about 50% of cancer patients have trouble sleeping.
  • The Pullman sleeping car was enormously successful.
  • "EN 13537:2002 Requirements for Sleeping Bags" is the official European criterion for the classification of sleeping bags.
  • Known as the "Sleeping Immortal", he is credited with using and creating sleeping qigong methods of internal alchemical cultivation.
  • The Mark 1 sleeping cars fleet continued to serve British Rail for many years.

  • "Sleeping rough" or "rough sleeping" is terminology in the United Kingdom for sleeping without shelter.
  • The choice of bed pillow depends to some extent upon sleeping positions: one manufacturer recommends a thinner and softer pillow for sleeping face down, medium support for sleeping on one's back, and a thicker and firmer pillow for sleeping on the side.
  • Sleeping bag liners are lightweight cloth sacks usually fitted inside sleeping bags to provide extra comfort, insulation, and help keep the sleeping bag clean.
  • A sleeping porch is a porch that was built or modified to be a type of semi-outdoor sleeping area.
  • Howlers use the upper-middle part of their sleeping tree and use large branches on 70% of nights which potentially allow for grouped sleeping or for resistance to weather conditions and risk of branch breaking.

  • Built by Nippon Sharyo. Sleeping car accommodation was added at Hamamatsu Works in 1974, including 4-berth semi-open couchette compartments, longitudinally arranged sleeping berths and deluxe sleeping compartments.
  • The "Sakura" sleeping car service commenced on 20 July 1959 using 20 series sleeping cars. From March 1972, the train was upgraded with 14 series sleeping cars.
  • 3) Toilet rooms must be at least [...] away from any sleeping quarters, but within [...] of sleeping quarters.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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