Translation for '
States' from English to Russian
NOUN | a state | states | |
VERB | to state | stated | stated stating | states | |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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Usage Examples English
- The main feature of this approach is that, like in Turing machines, controlling (automata) states are explicitly singled out.
- Title 4 of the United States Code outlines the role of flag of the United States, Great Seal of the United States, Washington, DC, and the states in the United States Code.
- Texas and California are comparable being the two largest states in the contiguous United States as California contains 39 million inhabitants.
- The Chota Nagpur Tributary States or Chota Nagpur States were a group of non-salute states (minor princely states) at the time of British Raj, located on the Chhota Nagpur Plateau.
- While LOCC cannot "generate" entangled states out of product states, they can be used to transform entangled states into other entangled states.
- The 1991 Constitution made significant changes to states of siege and states of emergency, known constitutionally as states of exception.
- Examples of aspirant states can include sovereignty seeking forms of: micronations, aspirant nations, disputed states, quasi-states, and proto-states.
- The East North Central states form one of the nine geographic subdivisions within the United States which are officially recognized by the United States Census Bureau.
- Externally, the LIO is challenged by authoritarian states, illiberal states, and states that are discontented with their roles in world politics.
- The Iron Pipeline is the route in the United States used to smuggle weapons from ten states mostly in the Southern United States to Mid-Atlantic states and New England, particularly states with stricter gun laws such as New York and New Jersey.
- On 10 October 1922 the administrations of the Karenni states and the Shan states were officially clustered together in order to establish the Federated Shan States, under a British commissioner who also administered the Wa States.
- In a minority of states, police certifying bodies also certify other public safety employees, such as correctional officers (23 states), parole officers and probation officers (21 states) and police dispatchers (15 states).
- On the other hand, fractional quantum Hall states are not SPT states. They are states with (intrinsic) topological order and long-range entanglements.
- In condensed matter physics, topological quantum field theories are the low-energy effective theories of topologically ordered states, such as fractional quantum Hall states, string-net condensed states, and other strongly correlated quantum liquid states.
- The United States passport issued to non-citizen nationals of the United States contains the endorsement code 9 which states: "The bearer is a United States national and not a United States citizen" on the annotations page.
- The model has 6 possible states and each state grammar includes different types of secondary structure probabilities of the non-terminals.
- Many states have passed term limits limiting the selection to 2 consecutive terms (9 states); 2 terms maximum (4 states), but 33 states still have no term limits.
- is a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) program aimed at creating trust between the member states of NATO and other states mostly in Europe, including post-Soviet states; 20 states are members.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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