 Translation for 'Steller sea lion' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a Steller sea lion | Steller sea lions
SYNO Eumetopias jubatus | Steller's sea lion | Steller sea lion
сивуч {м} [Eumetopias jubatus]
Steller sea lion
Partial Matches
морской лев {м}
sea lion
австралийский морской лев {м} [Neophoca cinerea]
Australian sea lion
калифорнийский морской лев {м} [Zalophus californianus]
California sea lion
южный морской лев {м} [Otaria flavescens]
South American sea lion
лев {м}
львиная доля {ж}
lion's share
горный лев {м} [Puma concolor]
mountain lion [Am.]
пещерный лев {м} [Panthera (leo) spelaea] [вымерший вид]
European cave lion [extinct]
Ветер и лев [Джон Милиус]
The Wind and the Lion [John Milius]
Карское море {с}
Kara Sea
Новогвинейское море {с}
Bismarck Sea
Ирландское море {с}
Irish Sea
море {с} Ирмингера
Irminger Sea
Икарийское море {с}
Icarian Sea
Коралловое море {с}
Coral Sea
Тиморское море {с}
Timor Sea
Молуккское море {с}
Molucca Sea
Балийское море {с}
Bali Sea
Явское море {с}
Java Sea
Тирренское море {с}
Tyrrhenian Sea
21 translations
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Translation for 'Steller sea lion' from English to Russian

Steller sea lion
сивуч {м} [Eumetopias jubatus]зоол.T

sea lion
морской лев {м}зоол.T
Australian sea lion
австралийский морской лев {м} [Neophoca cinerea]зоол.T
California sea lion
калифорнийский морской лев {м} [Zalophus californianus]зоол.T
South American sea lion
южный морской лев {м} [Otaria flavescens]зоол.T
лев {м}зоол.T
lion's share
львиная доля {ж}идиом.
mountain lion [Am.]
горный лев {м} [Puma concolor]зоол.T
European cave lion [extinct]
пещерный лев {м} [Panthera (leo) spelaea] [вымерший вид]зоол.T
The Wind and the Lion [John Milius]
Ветер и лев [Джон Милиус]фильмF
Kara Sea
Карское море {с}геогр.
Bismarck Sea
Новогвинейское море {с}геогр.
Irish Sea
Ирландское море {с}геогр.
Irminger Sea
море {с} Ирмингерагеогр.
Icarian Sea
Икарийское море {с}геогр.
Coral Sea
Коралловое море {с}геогр.
Timor Sea
Тиморское море {с}геогр.
Molucca Sea
Молуккское море {с}геогр.
Bali Sea
Балийское море {с}геогр.
Java Sea
unverified Явское море {с}геогр.морс.
Tyrrhenian Sea
Тирренское море {с}геогр.
Usage Examples English
  • Of the six species of birds and mammals that Steller discovered during the voyage, two are extinct (Steller's sea cow and the spectacled cormorant) and three are endangered or in severe decline (Steller sea lion, Steller's eider and Steller's sea eagle).
  • This habitat is frequently occupied by both the Steller sea lion and the harbor seal.
  • Brat Chirpoy is the site of the southernmost of five major Steller sea lion rookeries on the Kuril Islands.
  • The southern end of Antsiferov is the site of one of five major Steller sea lion breeding rookeries (about 600 animals) on the Kuril Islands.
  • odendhali" was subsequently found in other marine species like Steller sea lion ("Eumetopias jubatus") and northern fur seal ("Callorhinus ursinus").

  • The Steller sea lion may also breed on Fairway Rock.
  • Harbor seal and Steller sea lion sites can be found on the rocks off the entrance on the north side of Hawkins Island.
  • The area provides essential habitat and breeding grounds to the Steller sea lion and its rocky outcroppings also provide resting places for California sea lions.
  • Raikoke is one of five major Steller sea lion rookeries on the Kuril Islands and in the spring and summer it is home to one of the largest northern fulmar aggregations on the Kurils; crested and parakeet auklet, pigeon guillemot, and black-legged kittiwake also nest on the island.
  • Footage obtained by the Vancouver Humane Society showed African penguins in a small enclosure, unable to escape public view, standing for long periods of time huddled around a door; sea otters repeatedly trying to peel back the edges of their tank; and a Steller sea lion abnormally sucking on the ground.

  • Because Steller sea lions are sexually dimorphic in size, their hearing differs in sensitivity, possibly due to differences in size of the hearing structures.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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