 Translation for 'Trinity' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a trinity | trinities
SYNO 3 | Blessed Trinity | Holy Trinity | ...
(святая) троица {ж}
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Translation for 'Trinity' from English to Russian

(святая) троица {ж}религ.
Usage Examples English
  • They argue that such caution was impossible to exercise as they believe the trinity doctrine had not yet been developed.
  • Because of his rejection of the Trinity and eventual execution by burning for heresy, Unitarians often regard Servetus as the first (modern) Unitarian martyr—though he was a Unitarian in neither the 17th-century sense of the term nor the modern sense.
  • This is a symbol for the trinity – and a column has been built a long time ago as a sign of adoring trinity.
  • were to accept the Kabbalah, then the Christian trinity would indeed be compatible with Judaism, as the Trinity closely resembles the Kabbalistic doctrine of the Sefirot.
  • Origen believed that the persons of the trinity are immaterial and that the Son is the Wisdom of God and subordinate to the Father, for Origen the Father has the highest rank over the other persons of the Trinity.

  • The triangle also represents a trinity of deities. Majority of ethno-linguistic groups in the country are known to have a trinity of ancient gods and goddesses, embodying the number three as sacred.
  • La Luz del Mundo rejects the doctrine of the Trinity as a later addition to Christian theology.
  • D’Costa looks at the question of the relationship to non-Christian cultural artifacts in a wider sense in his "Sexing the Trinity" (2000).
  • She explains there is a blessed trinity that justifies trade - "Blessed Trinity" (of Civilisation, Commerce and Christianity).
  • The name is used to refer to a trinity of deities, which included Nzame, Mebere and Nkwa and is also used in reference to Nzame, one of the members of this trinity.

  • This combination is often called the "holy trinity" of Chinese cooking, much like the mirepoix (celery, onions, and carrots) in French cuisine or the holy trinity in Cajun cuisine.
  • At trinity, Singer tutored John Nelson Darby the evangelical Christian.
  • Sri Bodhendra, Sri Ayyaval and Sri Sadguru Swamikal is considered to be the trinity in Bhajana Sampradaya.
  • Holy Trinity is named by the three sections of the trinity, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
  • Hillar's major theological work is demonstrating how the doctrine of the Trinity was developed from various sources through the evolution of the Jewish messianic expectations which underwent changes during centuries.

  • Kavitrayam (Telugu: కవిత్రయం) is a Telugu expression for trinity of poets.
  • There are a number of soccer and Gaelic football clubs in the area along with the local Sports and Leisure Centre (
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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