 Translation for 'Upper Rhine' from English to Russian
NOUN   the Upper Rhine | -
Верхний Рейн {м} [часть Рейна]
Upper Rhine
Partial Matches
Альпийский Рейн {м}
Alpine Rhine
Северный Рейн-Вестфалия {м}
North Rhine-Westphalia
вниз по Рейну {adv}
down the Rhine
Северная Италия {ж}
Upper Italy
Верхняя Саксония {ж}
Upper Saxony
Верхняя Силезия {ж}
Upper Silesia
верхняя губа {ж}
upper lip
высшие слои {мн} общества
upper class {sg}
Верхняя Франкония {ж}
Upper Franconia [Bavarian region]
10 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Near Rydno in Poland and Lovas in Hungary red chalk mines have been found that are from 5000 BC, belonging to the Linear Pottery culture at the Upper Rhine.
  • On the right bank of the Upper Rhine, which according to the testimony of Tacitus ("Germania" 28) had formerly also been occupied by the Helvetians, both the historical and archaeological records are sparse.
  • The upper Rhine and Danube appear to form a funnel pointing straight at Vesontio.
  • enjoy an almost year round warm, in the Upper Rhine Valley and Lake Constance area even a subtropical climate, influenced frequently by air masses from the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Other exteriors were filmed at the artillery barracks at Colmar (built by Wilhelm II) and at Neuf-Brisach on the Upper Rhine.

  • Darmstadt is located in the Upper Rhine Plain (German: Oberrheinische Tiefebene), a major rift, about 350 km (217 mi) long and on average 50 km (31 mi) wide, between the cities of Frankfurt in the north and Basel in the south.
  • Heidelberg is located on the eastern edge of the Upper Rhine Plain (German: "Oberrheinebene"), at the place where the river Neckar leaves its narrow valley through the Odenwald mountains and begins the last leg of its journey across the plain towards Mannheim, where it merges into the Rhine about 20 kilometers downstream.
  • The red sandstone Münster, one of the foremost late-Romanesque/early Gothic buildings in the Upper Rhine, was badly damaged in the great earthquake of 1356, rebuilt in the 14th and 15th century, extensively reconstructed in the mid-19th century and further restored in the late 20th century.
  • The territory stretched from the left bank of the Upper Rhine, from the Hunsrück mountain range in what is today the Palatinate region in the German federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate and the adjacent parts of the French regions of Alsace and Lorraine (bailiwick of Seltz from 1418 to 1766) to the opposite territory on the east bank of the Rhine in present-day Hesse and Baden-Württemberg up to the Odenwald range and the southern Kraichgau region, containing the capital cities of Heidelberg and Mannheim.
  • On the Upper Rhine, Imperial forces under Louis of Baden remained on the defensive, although they took Landau in 1702.

  • Later during the Middle Eocene a rifting period affected the area and caused formation of the Upper Rhine Plain.
  • The High Rhine begins in Stein am Rhein at the western end of the Untersee. Unlike the Alpine Rhine and Upper Rhine, it flows to the west. It descends from 395 m to 252 m.
  • Maps of Lorraine and the upper Rhine region were the first printed maps of those regions and were probably based on survey work done by Waldseemüller himself.
  • In response, Army Group Upper Rhine ("Heeresgruppe Oberrhein") group was formed to engage the advancing US 7th Army (under command of General Alexander Patch [...]) and French 1st Army (led by General Jean de Lattre de Tassigny) in the Alsace region along the west bank of the Rhine.
  • Worms (...) is a city in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, situated on the Upper Rhine about [...] south-southwest of Frankfurt am Main. It had about 82,000 inhabitants [...].

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