Translation for '
Vienna' from English to Russian
ADJ | Vienna | more Vienna | most Vienna | |
NOUN | Vienna | - | |
SYNO | Austrian capital | capital of Austria | Vienna |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- For Halloween 2016 new merchandise was developed for a Tokyo cafe, and a vienna coffee drink was developed and named for Lenalee.
- Miklos also had son Osi who died in vienna in 1967 he had 2 children.
- 387, nicknamed the "Spring" quartet, was composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1782 while in Vienna.
- To facilitate tapping the economic potential of the multiple facettes of the life sciences at Austria's capital, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs and the local government of City of Vienna have joined forces: Since 2002, the LISAvienna platform is available as a central contact point.
- Sold as "spiced luncheon loaf", it is made with chicken and pork and has a more finely ground texture than Spam, more akin to bologna or vienna sausages.
- She also mentioned this in a ten question interview (cited).
- In November 1931 he was seconded to IZOSTAT where he studied the graphic methods of the Vienna Method.
- , "sausage + rice cakes") is a popular South Korean street food consisting of skewered and fried garae-tteok (rice cakes) and vienna sausage brushed with several sauce include mustard and spicy gochujang-based sauce.
- Dedication destination was the vienna Artists Association „Hesperus (Venus)“.
- It has taken place in Vienna every year since 2005 until 2015. Since 2015, the fair has been held under a new name – viennacontemporary.
- This kind of carom is called "nakki" in Finnish (which translates to "vienna sausage" or "hot dog" in English).
- The radio.string.quartet, interim radio.string.quartet.vienna, is a contemporary string quartet based in Vienna.
- Marc O'Polo has also supported specific creative ventures by a range of international artists, such as the 2013 publication of a bilingual (German-English) edition of photographer Werner Eisele's chronicle of auto racing in the '60s and '70s, "Formula 1 Legends"; floral artist Thierry Boutemy's installation ‘A Piece of Art’ exhibited in the Marc O'Polo store in Brussels during the 2014 "Art Brussels" contemporary art fair; the 2014 "photo::vienna" exhibition of contemporary Austrian photography at Vienna’s Museum of Applied Arts (MAK); and artist Stefan Gbureck's 2014 motorcycle ride from Berlin to Rio de Janeiro.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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