Translation for '
Vietnam' from English to Russian
NOUN | Vietnam | Vietnams | |
SYNO | Annam | Socialist Republic of Vietnam | Viet Nam | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- A vietnam vet (Tommy Lee Jones) takes forceful control of Central Park to remember those who served and died in the Vietnam War.
- "Xanthocyparis vietnamensis" was originally described as endemic to Vietnam, being native only to the karst limestone mountains of the Hà Giang Province in northern Vietnam.
- "Hemidactylus vietnamensis", also known as Vietnam leaf-toed gecko or Vietnam house gecko, is a species of gecko. It is endemic to Vietnam.
- The Vietnam gecko ("Gekko vietnamensis") is a species of gecko. It is endemic to Vietnam.
- "Microphysogobio vietnamica" is a species of cyprinid fish endemic to northern Vietnam.
- Trịnh Xuân Thanh is a former member of the Communist Party of Vietnam.
- "Actias australovietnama" is a moth in the family Saturniidae. It is found in Vietnam.
- The official website of Vietnam Airlines,, was also hacked by the same group at about 4pm the same day.
- "Cerace vietnamna" is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in northern Vietnam.
- "Aristaea vietnamella" is a moth of the family Gracillariidae. It is known from Vietnam.
- PVN Tower is a proposed skyscraper project that will be built in Hanoi, Vietnam.
- com/businesses/southeast-asia/vietnam/ho-chi-minh-city/phu/saigon-sports-academy Saigon Sports Academy officially announced the participation of Saigon Heat into the third season of ABL, making them the first ever international professional basketball team to represent Vietnam.
- The Bằng River ([...] , [...] vietnamese: Thủy Khẩu Hà) is a river of Cao Bằng Province, Vietnam. It flows for 108 kilometres.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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