 Translation for 'Vincent' from English to Russian
NOUN   vincent | vincents
Винсент и Тео [Роберт Олтмен]
Vincent & Theo [Robert Altman]
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Translation for 'Vincent' from English to Russian

Vincent & Theo [Robert Altman]
Винсент и Тео [Роберт Олтмен]фильмF
Usage Examples English
  • Species like the Namuli apalis ("Apalis lynesi") and the Vincent's bush squirrel ("Paraxerus vincenti") are endemic to Mount Namuli.
  • In 1950, the endangered Vincent's bush squirrel ("Paraxerus vincenti") endemic to Mount Namuli was named in honour of Jack Vincent.
  • Otto's recent film projects include "The Moment I Died" with Colleen Divincentis and Jocelyn Druyan, directed and written by Vincent Zambrano.
  • The band continued for another 18 months under the name "the studs" with new frontman and vocalist Steve "Bertie" Burton ( "Starfighters" the E numbers, vincent flatts final drive) Eddie Zipps continued to write the songs and play guitar in the band.
  • The St. Vincent Blacksnake, "Chironius vincenti" is listed as critically endangered by the IUCN Red List due to its extremely limited range on the Island of St. Vincent.

  • Fodor instead faced Dutch fighter Vincent "The Magnivincent" Latoel.
  • "Pebobs sanctivincenti" is a moth of the family Cosmopterigidae. It is known from Grenada and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
  • The specific name, "vincenti", refers to the island of Saint Vincent.
  • This condition is caused by the combination of the fusiform bacilli ("Bacillus fusiformis"), and the spirochete ("Borrelia vincentii").
  • c. vincenti" is very dark above, and slaty below.

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