Translation for '
Zionism' from English to Russian
SYNO | Zionism | Zionist movement |
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Usage Examples English
- He was also a supporter of zionism and in 1968 inaugurated an annual pilgrimage to Israel for members of his congregation.
- It stated that "zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination."
- In "Jews Against Zionism", Kolsky describes the history of the American Council for Judaism, an organization specifically created to fight against both Zionism and a Jewish state.
- Many readers accused Berry of intentionally infusing the book with antisemitism or anti-zionism, including author Orson Scott Card.
- Rav Feldman has written and spoken strongly against the ideology of Zionism.
- The first two are characterized as reacting against racism and antisemitism (sometimes amalgamating antisemitism and anti-zionism) while the latter two broaden their goal to defend voting rights for foreign residents and opposing the ban of the Islamic headscarf in schools.
- Chomsky has further defined himself as having held Zionist beliefs, although he notes that his definition of Zionism would be considered by most as anti-Zionism these days, the result of what he perceives to have been a shift (since the 1940s) in the meaning of Zionism ("Chomsky Reader").
- In a June 2011 article in Haaretz, Laor stated that he opposes Zionism: He claimed that "liberation from Zionism is not a dirty word... we have to get rid of Zionism".
- Some reviews of "Christian Zionism - Road Map to Armageddon?
- Relations with Arab Christians in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria often parallel those relations with Arab Muslims and remain difficult, especially with regards to the question of anti-zionism and Zionism.
- Halkin supported zionism, and would be criticized for his advocacy of Jewish nationalism.
- Mercaz USA, officially Mercaz - The Movement to Reaffirm Conservative Zionism Inc, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on Zionism and Conservative Judaism, headquartered in New York City.
- Philosophically, Partners for Progressive Israel represents an integration of two strands of progressive Zionism: Socialist Zionism and Labor Zionism.
- Some critics of Israel equate Zionism with racism, or describe Zionism itself as racist or discriminatory.
- The issue of Zionism was once very divisive in the Jewish community.
- Nathan Birnbaum coined the word zionism about the year 1890.
- The goal of those programs is to uplift the sense of zionism and "chious", spirit of life, in the foreign schools students' [...].
- His views eventually evolved towards anti-Zionism: Tzabar became an outspoken opponent of Zionism in addition to the occupation; he criticized peace groups like Peace Now and Gush Shalom.
- Some critics associate post-Zionism with anti-Zionism; proponents strenuously deny this association.
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