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Usage Examples English
- In Persia, "jizya" was paid by Zoroastrian minority until 1884, when it was removed by pressure on the Qajar government from the Persian Zoroastrian Amelioration Fund.
- Being an important Persian poet of Zoroastrian faith, Zartosht Bahram has brought down the most comprehensive biography of Zoroaster from a Zoroastrian point of view.
- Unlike most other "yazata"s, "Dahman" is a purely Zoroastrian concept, with no pre-Zoroastrian equivalent, and was not inherited as an entity by later Persian mythology.
- The hymn's supremacy among sacred Zoroastrian formulae is well developed in the 9th-11th century texts of Zoroastrian tradition.
- In the Zoroastrian religious text of the Avesta, Kərəsāspa appears as the slayer of ferocious monsters, including the Gandarəβa and the Aži Sruvara.
- Post-conquest Pahlavi (or just Pahlavi) is also called Zoroastrian Pahlavi or Zoroastrian Middle Persian.
- is a Zoroastrian term conventionally interpreted as heretic in a narrow sense, or, in a wider sense, for a person with any belief or practice that ran contrary to Sassanid-mediated Zoroastrian orthodoxy.
- Ideas and tenets of Zoroastrian schools of Early Persian philosophy are part of many works written in Middle Persian and of the extant scriptures of the zoroastrian religion in Avestan language.
- Hong Kong is home to a small Parsi Zoroastrian community numbering about 200. There is a Zoroastrian building in Causeway Bay with a small fire temple to serve the community.
- Although certain ancient Zoroastrian traditions show a negative approach towards Zoroastrian melodies such as the pre-Islamic pastorals and minstrels, Zoroastrian music has been in the religion since it was founded.
- Parsi immigrants built small Zoroastrian schools in the early 19th century.
- In 1988, archaeological excavations on the lower floor of the dome and restoration works on the portal were carried out. The mosque was built on zoroastrian temple.
- Another Zoroastrian high-priest named Ādurbād ī Emēdān would later edit the Dēnkard, putting much more information about Zoroastrian beliefs and customs.
- The Zoroastrian Shoppe near Cama Baug and the Appo Menes and Company are one of the oldest surviving Zoroastrian shops of the city which caters to the traditional weaving of Sudreh Kasti and other religious items to the Zoroastrian Community of the Bombay City.
- Bahman is the 11th month of the year in Zoroastrian & Iranian calendars, named after the Zoroastrian concept.
- Although the Zoroastrian population had previously been suppressed by the Abbasid Caliphate, according to Al-Masudi, the Samanid empire [...] still had fire-temples that were still being venerated by the present Zoroastrian population.
- During the Achaemenid Empire, Zoroastrianism was the state religion and included formalized worship.
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