 Translation for 'a certain' from English to Russian
некий {pron}a certain
Partial Matches
обязательно {adv}for certain
уверенный {adj} чём-л.]certain [sure]
[неопределённый артикль перед согласными, перед eu и перед u, когда u произносится как [juː], как правило, не переводится]a
атомная бомба {ж}
немного {adv}a bit
многоa lot
немногоa little
несколькоa few
unverified не на того нарватьсяcatch a Tartar
объявить демарш
issue a demarche
аланин {м} <Ала, Ala, A>
alanine <Ala, A>
в спешке {adv}in a hurry
взойти на холмto mount a hill
горланить песню [разг.]
to bawl a song
быть беременнойto carry a child
произносить речьto make a speech
хранить тайнуto keep a secret
unverified держаться избранного путиto keep a way
выполнить обещаниеto keep a promise
нарушить обещаниеto break a promise
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • The location of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean has a certain appeal given the closely related names.
  • In African American culture there is a long history of calling a meddlesome White woman by a certain name, while "The Guardian" called 2020 "the year of Karen".
  • In the history of hijackings, most incidents involved planes being forced to land at a certain destination with demands.
  • In standard arrays, each index is restricted to a certain range of consecutive integers (or consecutive values of some enumerated type), and the address of an element is computed by a "linear" formula on the indices.
  • By the 1920s, each state in the United States had passed public laws that stipulated a certain day to be Arbor Day or "Arbor and Bird Day" observance.

  • Volta enjoyed a certain amount of closeness with the emperor throughout his life and he was conferred numerous honours by him.
  • Forests also occur on the humid slopes of mountain ranges up to a certain elevation.
  • He was residing in Antioch in 372 when a certain Theodorus was thought to have been identified the successor to the emperor Valens by divination.
  • Some information is known about the family origins of Amasis: his mother was a certain Tashereniset, as a bust of her, today located in the British Museum, shows.
  • Power analysis is often applied in the context of ANOVA in order to assess the probability of successfully rejecting the null hypothesis if we assume a certain ANOVA design, effect size in the population, sample size and significance level.

  • The other names are just informal ones referencing a certain edition.
  • After a certain time, the electron in an excited state will "jump" (undergo a transition) to a lower state.
  • The assembly line forced workers to work at a certain pace with very repetitive motions which led to more output per worker while other countries were using less productive methods.
  • Several projects aiming to create androids that look, and, to a certain degree, speak or act like a human being have been launched or are underway.
  • There are also programs which were written to prove a particular theorem, with a (usually informal) proof that if the program finishes with a certain result, then the theorem is true.

  • In asynchronous serial communication in the physical protocol layer, the data blocks are code words of a certain word length, for example octets (bytes) or ASCII characters, delimited by start bits and stop bits.
  • Fetching before storing can be disallowed, defined to have a certain result, or (less desirably), leave the behavior unspecified.
  • Each member of a certain pair is written with the same letter of the alphabet in most writing systems (that is, "p" and "f" are written with the same letter), and are near allophones.
  • Pictures or photographs may also be ambiguous at the semantic level: the visual image is unambiguous, but the meaning and narrative may be ambiguous: is a certain facial expression one of excitement or fear, for instance?
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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