 Translation for 'abroad' from English to Russian
SYNO abroad | afield | overseas
на улице {adv} [вне дома]abroad [archaic] [outside]
за границей {adv}abroad [to be]
ехать за границу [несов.]to go abroad
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Study abroad organizations, also referred to as study abroad providers, and third-party study abroad providers are independent organizations that facilitate or administer study abroad programs.
  • Peruvians living abroad can apply at a Peruvian consulate. Issuance abroad takes about three weeks.
  • Study abroad opportunities offer students study abroad experiences in Croatia, India, Israel, Italy, and Spain.
  • Greek military law allows Permanent Residents Abroad to defer military service until repatriation to Greece.
  • ERC emphasizes the value of study abroad and one third of ERC students go abroad.

  • Its technical innovations helped Pleuger's company expand abroad. This expansion led to Pleuger founding various subsidiaries abroad, including in the USA, Mexico, England and Spain.
  • It is recognized as a German school abroad by the Central Agency for German Schools Abroad (ZfA).
  • It is categorized as a German school abroad by the Central Agency for German Schools Abroad ("Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen").
  • The Training Centre is tasked with the conditioning and certification of all Carabinieri personnel for missions abroad, while all logistical support abroad is managed by the Supports Unit.
  • He attempted to introduce the ube hopia abroad but initial reception was poor. However, Eng Bee Tin eventually received orders from abroad.

  • ... 94-203), signed into law by President Gerald Ford on January 2, 1976, gave American civilians resident abroad the right to vote in federal elections.
  • IES Abroad developed a Model Assessment Practice in 1999 as a framework for the design, development, and evaluation of programs of study abroad.
  • Conservatives Abroad (CA) is the official political organisation and global network of the Conservative Party for British citizens living permanently or temporarily abroad.
  • This Article also deprives Bhutanese citizenship from those who reside abroad outside the service of the royal government, private business, or religious practices, and who live abroad serving foreign governments and people, or who have settled abroad or hold official posts in a foreign government.
  • Businesspeople with tax debts will be able to travel abroad.

  • It was recognised as a German school abroad by the Central Agency for German Schools Abroad (ZfA).
  • 4. End the Wars Abroad: immediately cease all foreign intervention and bring home troops stationed abroad.
  • The Trade Commissioner Services helps companies that are looking to export, invest abroad, attract investment abroad or develop innovation and R&D partnerships.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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