Translation for '
accustom' from English to Russian
VERB | to accustom | accustomed | accustomed accustoming | accustoms | |
SYNO | to accustom | to habituate |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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Usage Examples English
- Young girls accustom to walk bareheaded, but after the wedding ritual – "bride's binders", "bride undressing" – the godmother puts her a beautiful "basma" or "maramă".
- She did her best to accustom herself to Denmark and make herself popular as queen, and although she never fully mastered the Danish language, she frequently used it both in speech and writing.
- The scheme safeguarded health and made Britain a fitter nation, while doing much to accustom wage earners to medical attention.
- The original Mike, American teenager Mike King discovers Angelo and helps him accustom to life on Earth - all while ensuring no-one finds out his secret.
- Pocock concludes that the issue of New Zealand's sovereignty must be an ongoing shared experience, a perpetual debate leading to several "ad hoc" agreements if necessary, to which the Māori and Pākehā need to accustom themselves permanently.
- Allergen immunotherapy treatment involves administering doses of allergens to accustom the body to induce specific long-term tolerance.
- The Christian religion had an effect on the changing of the perception of the word 'peace' in the Roman world wherein it was transformed into a demilitarised one more accustom to today’s description of peace.
- Allergen immunotherapy (AIT) treatment involves administering doses of allergens to accustom the body to substances that are generally harmless (pollen, house dust mites), thereby inducing specific long-term tolerance.
- Allergy immunotherapy (AIT) treatment involves administering doses of allergens to accustom the body to pollen, thereby inducing specific long-term tolerance.
- The horse used in sidesaddle riding will have additional training to accustom it to the placement of the rider and the use of the whip to replace off side leg commands.
- Beebe used hearing aids to accustom children to speech through the ear, before they could become solely dependent on sign language, lip reading or visual signals.
- "Together Apart": Corn and Peg are arranged to take separate classes at school which is hard for them as they are not accustom to not going out together.
- They are just not accustom to their cultural spin on things and their unique sense of humor.
- Upon their arrival at the French port of Le Havre, on May 17, 1918 the regiment began sending small detachments into the lines to accustom the men to the brutal realities of trench warfare.
- The film concerns a newly arrived Hungarian immigrant learns to accustom herself to the new and strange life she finds in New York City.
- Meanwhile, Violet (Taissa Farmiga) and Vivien (Connie Britton) accustom themselves to their new living arrangements, Constance (Jessica Lange) raises Tate's child as her own and a new family buys the house.
- Last/first may accustom domestic consumers to imported goods, making it harder for local producers to find customers. Further, financing may be easier for import-based business.
- The site will accustom by TriGranit. The project has caused the mass protest of townspeople.
- Humans are more likely to accustom to this environment, as psychologically they are more comfortable with water, with humanity gradually moving to reside to coast and have historically always operated close to water ways.
- To accustom passengers to use new transport, the tram line has been transferred on small streets, but at Narvskaya metro station the tram ring has remained.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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