Translation for '
accustomed' from English to Russian
ADJ | accustomed | more accustomed | most accustomed | |
VERB | to accustom | accustomed | accustomed accustoming | accustoms | |
SYNO | accustomed | customary | habitual | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- It takes a couple of weeks of regular use to become accustomed to the unusual feel of the Rotor linkage cranksets.
- The novel was a critical and commercial success, garnering the excellent reviews Clark has become accustomed to over the years.
- The farmers of east Shelmalier were accustomed to shoot wild fowl on the North sloblands.
- Also, owing to a long history of woodblock printing, Koreans of the period were accustomed to books, and literacy was high.
- When he finally could afford soccer cleats, he had to train to get accustomed to them.
- 1,128,519 admissions (France) It was a departure from the clownish style of visual comedy his fans had become accustomed to.
- Aside from palaeographers themselves, genealogists, social historians and scholars of Early Modern literature have become accustomed to reading secretary hand.
- He was accustomed to open his aggadic discourses with a halakhic question.
- In meeting with Edward, the Explorers demonstrate their stunning lack of tact, having not yet become accustomed to human social norms.
- Listeners have become accustomed to Galloway's trademark wit and sarcasm as well as his deep Texas drawl.
- A socialite accustomed to luxury has to live on her blue-collar husband's salary.
- be + used to tells of a state of affairs that was unfamiliar, but that the speaker/writer is now accustomed to (also sometimes a state of affairs that was once hard and is now simple or easy).
- In 2006 Gregory Katz of the "Houston Chronicle" said that, partly because many Copt church leaders are accustomed to anti-Copt attitudes in Egypt, those who come to Houston are not accustomed to speaking freely about their religious beliefs.
- The surrounding population increased and the faithful became accustomed to praying in the chapel of the Benedictines.
- Molinas came into conflict with Benavídez, who was used to ruling as he felt fit, and was accustomed to being obeyed.
- Though some bullsnakes can be docile, and with some time become accustomed to handling, most are quite defensive.
- City slicker is an idiomatic expression for someone accustomed to a city or urban lifestyle and unsuited to life in the country.
- Bloom packaged virtually everything in see-through acetate rather than the paper to which the industry was accustomed.
- Yosef was accustomed to recite a sermon on Shabbat before the Mussaf prayer.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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