 Translation for 'ace' from English to Russian
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NOUN   an ace | aces
VERB   to ace | aced | aced
acing | aces
SYNO 1 | A-one | ACE | ...
туз {м}ace [cards]
эйс {м}
ace [tennis]
подача {ж} на вылет
ace [tennis]
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Translation for 'ace' from English to Russian

ace [cards]
туз {м}
ace [tennis]
эйс {м}спорт

подача {ж} на вылетспорт
Usage Examples English
  • Values are usually ordered deuce through ace, but other sequences, (such as ace low) are possible.
  • A "flying ace" or fighter ace is a military aviator credited with shooting down five or more enemy aircraft during aerial combat.
  • Ace playing cards, due to the phonetic shortening from asexual to ace, are sometimes used to represent asexuality.
  • A "tank ace" or Panzer ace has been described by Historian Robert Kershaw, as being the minority of tank commanders that accounted for the most destroyed enemy armor, saying it is roughly analogous with a flying ace.
  • David Endicott Putnam (December 10, 1898 – September 12, 1918) was an American flying ace of World War I.

  • Sometimes they used "yrundĭ hae nirȗî" or "ace pópeteȋ́" 'one human hand' for five, "ace pómȏcȏî" 'two human hands' for ten and "mbó mbĭ abé" 'hands and also feet' or "ace pó ace" "pĭ abé" 'human hands and also human feet' for twenty.
  • Depending on other chosen variants, it can happen that an ace is already on the table when one draws an ace.
  • The ACE-FTS instrument is the main payload of the SCISAT-1 spacecraft.
  • A flying ace, fighter ace or air ace is a military aviator credited with shooting down five or more enemy aircraft during aerial combat.
  • Ace Ventura is hired to rescue Snowflake, the bottlenose dolphin mascot of the Miami Dolphins.

  • A true handball is referred to as an "ace ball" or, in earlier days, "blackball".
  • Some strategies count the ace (ace-reckoned strategies) and some do not (ace-neutral strategies).
  • Lieutenant Thomas Montagu Harries was a Scottish World War I flying ace credited with 11 aerial victories.
  • Leutnant Wilhelm Frickart was a World War I flying ace credited with twelve aerial victories.
  • (23 February 1899 – 1983) was a British World War I flying ace credited with thirteen aerial victories.

  • Karl Paul Schlegel (7 May 1893 – 27 October 1918) was a German World War I flying ace credited with 22 victories.
  • The Bf 109 was also used with good results by non-German pilots, such as the Finnish fighter ace Ilmari Juutilainen with 94 victories, the highest-scoring non-German fighter ace in World War II, Romanian fighter ace Alexandru Şerbănescu with 47 victories, Croatian fighter ace Mato Dukovac with 44 victories and Hungarian fighter ace Szentgyörgyi Dezső with 29 (+1 German) confirmed and six unconfirmed victories.
  • Since the ace always plays high, A-5-4-3-2 (also called the Nut Ace) is not considered a straight; is simply ace-high no pair (it would therefore lose to any king-high, but would defeat A-6-4-3-2).
  • Garros is sometimes called the world's first fighter ace; however, he shot down only four aircraft, while the criterion for "ace" was set at five or more victories.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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