Translation for '
ache' from English to Russian
NOUN | an ache | aches | |
VERB | to ache | ached | ached aching | aches | |
SYNO | ache | aching | to ache | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Brow ache and head ache may be present. Drooping of eye lid may be present.
- The lyrics typically deal with unhappy love, loneliness and heart-ache.
- A serious but less common type affects the stomach and intestine, which usually presents with tummy ache, fever and a lump.
- Side effects include itching, chills, stomach ache, and red rash.
- She is invoked against colic and stomach ache.
- "Aloe globuligemma", commonly known as the witchdoctor's aloe, A leaf infusion is taken traditionally to for stomach ache, for venereal diseases, and as an abortifacient.
- Sudha shouts for Mai saying she has head ache. Mai watched over all the household.
- Abdominal pain, also known as a stomach ache, is a symptom associated with both non-serious and serious medical issues.
- Soon after she hosted a live quiz show called "Janar ache bolar ache" on NTV, "Vocab" on Banglavision and a live music request show "Music Together" on Banglavision.
- The Zuni people use the root as a poultice for sores and rashes, and an infusion of it is taken for stomach ache.
- In traditional Korean medicine the tea was thought to help alleviate mild symptoms such as stomach ache, aid detoxification, reduce fever, prevent constipation, and help manage cold symptoms.
- The source of the Trattenbach stream lies to the south of the "Steinberg", feeding the "Kurze Grundache", a tributary of the "Kelchsauer Ache".
- The route through the valley along the lower reaches of the Windauer Ache is part of the "Kaiser Circuit ("Kaiser-Runde"), a long distance circular cycleway that starts and ends in Kufstein.
- After observing the roundups of the Jews in Paris, Germaine Ribière notes in her diary: "I ache for them in my whole being, I ache for my Jewish brothers and sisters"., but also declares:"In the presence of hatred I feel an icy chill...
- The most common side effects include headache, nausea (feeling sick), abdominal pain (stomach ache), and dysmenorrhea (period pains).
- In Traditional Chinese medicine, a decoction of this fungus is used to help relieve the symptoms of gastralgia, or stomach ache.
- It is used to treat stomach ache in infants and children.
- Side effects include stomach ache, burping, and a bad taste; some people on very high doses (8g/day) in clinical trials had atrial fibrillation.
- The Ache rises on the Reinkarsee at about [...] , at the foot of the Kröndlhorn, and its middle reaches run through a roughly [...] long gorge.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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