 Translation for 'acidity' from English to Russian
NOUN   an acidity | acidities
SYNO acidity | acidulousness | sour | ...
кислотность {ж}
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Translation for 'acidity' from English to Russian

кислотность {ж}хим.
Usage Examples English
  • Sodium citrates are used as acidity regulators in food and drinks, and also as emulsifiers for oils. They enable cheeses to melt without becoming greasy. It reduces the acidity of food as well.
  • Some plants within the same species have shown resistance to the soil acidity their population grows in.
  • Because of its acidity, natural cocoa is often paired in recipes with baking soda. This neutralizes the acidity and creates carbon dioxide which in cakes helps them rise.
  • The stomach's high acidity inhibits the breakdown of carbohydrates within it.
  • Grolleau produces light bodied, fairly neutral wines with noticeably high acidity. It is often produced in off-dry to medium sweet style, leaving some sugars in the wine to balance with the acidity.

  • Although the Hammett acidity function is the best known acidity function, other acidity functions have been developed by authors such as Arnett, Cox, Katrizky, Yates, and Stevens.
  • The slight acidity of the Ap in this profile is atypical for Cecil series—moderate to very strong acidity is the rule—and is evidence that the soil was limed.
  • Within the "arid islands" or micro-environments, the difference between vegetative type, acidity and immediate acidity of the surrounding biotopes of "Pachypodium" seem to be a significant factor in defining habitat type.
  • The following values show the Hammett acidity function for several superacids, the strongest being fluoroantimonic acid.
  • Interestingly, Sb(C6F5)3 shows high catalytic efficiency compared to its acidity because the π-acidity of its aryl ring also plays a role in catalysis.

  • "Increasing acidity can also damage corals. Ocean acidity has increased by about 25 percent in the past three centuries, and it is likely to increase another 40 to 50 percent by 2100.
  • Free acidity is an important parameter that defines the quality of olive oil and is defined as a percentage as grams of free fatty acids (expressed as oleic acid, the main fatty acid present in olive oil) in 100 grams of oil.
  • Acidosis is a process causing increased acidity in the blood and other body tissues (i.e., an increase in hydrogen ion concentration).
  • Lower temperatures emphasize acidity and tannins while muting the aromatics.
  • The acidity in wine is an important component in the quality and taste of the wine.

  • This reaction may be characterized as Lewis acidity of boron toward [...] , rather than as Brønsted acidity.
  • The acidity concentration is 12.60 milligrams per liter and the load of acidity is [...].
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