 Translation for 'affect' from English to Russian
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NOUN   an affect | affects
VERB   to affect | affected | affected
affecting | affects
SYNO to affect | to bear on | to bear upon | ...
влиять на что-л. [несов.] [воздействовать]to affect sth. [influence]
аффект {м}
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Usage Examples English
  • Sullivan's recent work on the physiology of experience within oppressive structures, for example how racist or sexist encounters affect the physical body, draws on affect theory.
  • Most critical responses to Massumi's work focus on the 1995 essay "The Autonomy of Affect" and categorize him as an "affect theorist."
  • Many bone diseases that affect humans also affect other vertebrates—an example of one disorder is skeletal fluorosis.
  • Whether or not the laboratory findings about affect labeling are applicable to affect labeling in the real world is another question researchers must ask.
  • In addition to monitoring activation and avoidance responses, clinicians carefully observe the individual's strengths or difficulties with affect regulation (i.e., affect tolerance and affect modulation).

  • Psychological conditions can also affect elderly eating habits. For instance, the length of widowhood may affect nutrition.
  • This theory is at odds with a more traditional explanation of the effects of affect on cognitive scope, which suggest that positive affect broadens attention and negative affect narrows attention, respectively.
  • Conjugate gaze palsy: Conjugate gaze palsies typically affect horizontal gaze, although some affect upward gaze.
  • The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule incorporates a 10-item negative affect scale.
  • Weather conditions particular can affect players; wind can affect paintball trajectories, fog can hamper visibility, and hot and cold temperatures can affect CO2 in the paintball marker propellant system.

    © Russian-English dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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