Translation for '
alchemy' from English to Russian
NOUN | alchemy | - | |
SYNO | alchemy | chemistry | interpersonal chemistry |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- These "Waidan" (外丹 "outer alchemy") and "neidan" (內丹 "inner alchemy") are the primary divisions of Chinese alchemy.
- Alchemy is the distinguishing theme of the "Atelier" series.
- He published "Antidotarum generale", a work about alchemy. His work is known for the elaborate bibliography on chemistry-alchemy. He also reported the first known case of diphallia.
- Alchemy allows players to create new items by combining various cards obtained via racing with items bought in shops.
- Alchemy: Alchemy cards in the game include "Black Hole", "Sizzling Supernova", and "Chemist Wizards".
- Ibn Khaldun was a critic of the practice of alchemy.
- "Psychology and Alchemy", volume 12 in "The Collected Works of C. G. Jung", is Carl Jung's study of the analogies between alchemy, Christian dogma, and psychological symbolism.
- Since the 3rd century AD, Jiutian Xuannü has been associated with alchemy. During the Song dynasty, the goddess was closely associated with neidan (inner alchemy).
- Chinese alchemy can be divided into two methods of practice, "waidan" or "external alchemy" and "neidan" or "internal alchemy".
- New interpretations of alchemy are still perpetuated, sometimes merging in concepts from New Age or radical environmentalism movements.
- The novel is discussed extensively in the books "The Heritage of Hermes: Alchemy in Contemporary British Literature" and "The Golden Egg: Alchemy in Art and Literature" in relation to alchemy.
- Cortese claimed to have studied alchemy for thirty years, including the works of established alchemists such as Geber, Ramon Llull, and Arnold of Villanova.
- With strong Taoist roots, the Quanzhen School specializes in the process of "alchemy within the body" or "Neidan" (internal alchemy), as opposed to "Waidan" (external alchemy which experiments with the ingestion of herbs and minerals, etc.).
- Libavius is best known for his work as an alchemist above all else. Alchemy was an early science whose goals were to transform matter like turning base metals to gold.
- Ruland's 1612 "Lexicon alchemiae" (Dictionary of Alchemy) is cited by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung in his writings on alchemy. Waite translated the book into the English language.
- "cinnabar; vermillion; elixir; alchemy". The antonym of "nèi" is "wài" [...] "outside; exterior; external", and "nèidān" "internal elixir / alchemy" was coined from the earlier complementary term "wàidān" [...] "external elixir / alchemy".
- In a work on alchemy in the 16th century, Paracelsus identified four types of beings with the four elements of alchemy: gnomes, earth elementals; undines, water elementals; sylphs, air elementals; and salamanders, fire elementals.
- In a work on alchemy in the 16th century, Paracelsus (1493–1541) identified four types of beings with the four elements of alchemy: gnomes, earth elementals; undines, water elementals; sylphs, air elementals; and salamanders, fire elementals.
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