 Translation for 'all time high' from English to Russian
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NOUN   an all-time high | all-time highs
unverified исторический максимум {м}all-time high
Partial Matches
высокий {adj}high
высокое напряжение {с}
high voltage
высокая прочность {noun}
high durability
измена {ж} Родине
high treason
unverified с высоким содержаниемhigh in
Высокий Атла́с {м}
High Atlas
высотник {м}
high jumper
высокоствольный лес {м}
high forest
фугасная бомба {ж}
high-explosive bomb
навесный огонь {м}
high-angle fire
высоковольтный кабель {м}
high voltage cable
народный университет {noun}
folk high school
многотиражный {adj}
high-circulation [attr.]
высокочастотный {adj}
high-frequency [attr.]
высоковольтный кабель {м}
high-voltage power cable
высокотемпературный сверхпроводник {м}
high-temperature superconductor <HTSC>
многоэтажное здание {с}high rise [high-rise building]
нормально {adv}all right
в конце концов {adv}after all
весь деньall day
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • On 1 March 2011, gold hit a new all-time high of $1432.57, based on investor concerns regarding ongoing unrest in North Africa as well as in the Middle East.
  • The kindergarten through 4th grade Kinsey Elementary School posted an all-time high enrollment of 450 in the fall of 2011.
  • The size of the annexation was only rivaled by the growth in the early 1960s when the village just began and housing growth was at an all-time high.
  • In 1999, the allowance rate for business method patents at the Japan Patent Office (JPO) reached an all-time high of roughly 35 percent.
  • However, she scored well on her handling of the recent euro crisis (69% rated her performance as good rather than poor), and her approval rating reached an all-time high of 77% in February 2012 and again in July 2014.

  • The team was gaining notoriety within the league for their playoff debut, and team popularity within Atlanta reached an all-time high.
  • By the end of December 2009 BGI assets hit an all-time high of $1 trillion.
  • The share price hovered consistently around the 400 mark from the mid-1680s (excepting a hiccup around the Glorious Revolution in 1688), and they reached an all-time high of around 642 in the 1720s.
  • Beirut's foreign reserves were still close to an all-time high when they reached $32.5 billion in 2011 and analysts say that the Central Bank can cover nearly 80 percent of the Lebanese currency in the market.
  • Before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism stood at an all-time high: 1 out of 10 jobs worldwide depended on tourism and international tourist arrivals reached 1.5 billion in 2019.

  • After the entry of new models and brands by new entrants and due to the significant low benchmark interest rate of 7%, the consumer financing hit an all-time high in 2021.
  • The price for palladium reached an all-time high of $2,981.40 per ounce on May 3, 2021 driven mainly on speculation of the catalytic converter demand from the automobile industry.
  • Global sales of Lexus vehicles reached an all-time high in 2007, with a total of 518,000.
  • In 2017, spending on research and development (R&D) reached an all-time high of €2 billion, equal to 1.14 percent of GDP.
  • Of those students, 2,054 of them were females (an all-time high); which means female students make up about 29% of the enrollment at Michigan Tech.

  • The all-time high [...] was recorded August 1982, and the all-time low [...] in February 1985.
  • During this time Puerto Rico experienced an economic boom with GDP growth at 5% during the years 1987–1989 the highest since Operation Bootstrap and the Economic Boom in the United States.
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