 Translation for 'archeological' from English to Russian
ADJ   archeological | more archeological | most archeological
SYNO archaeologic | archaeological | archeologic | ...
археологический {adj}
archeological [Am.]
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Translation for 'archeological' from English to Russian

archeological [Am.]
археологический {adj}архео.
Usage Examples English
  • Chichen Itza, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the second-most visited of Mexico's archeological sites.
  • The city is home to the Kamianka-Dniprovska District Historical and Archeological Museum.
  • Tilocalar is also the name of an archeological site farther north, at the southern margin of the Salar de Atacama, and of an archeological phase named after that area.
  • The Archeological Service Agency (ASHA) (...) is a government agency under the supervision of the Albanian Ministry of Culture.
  • Kaludiya Pokuna Archeological Forest Site (කළුදිය පොකුණ පුරාවිද්‍යා භූමිය), is a forest with archeological remains in Kandalama, in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka.

  • Tall al Faramah, also called Pelusium, is of Ecclesiastical and archeological importance. It is an archeological, prehistoric site with ruins and a Byzantine church.
  • It was under rule of Chalukyas,Rastrakutas, kakatiyas, Quthubshahis, Nizams. Archeological department has done excavations in this village after 1948.
  • Work by Asaro and other scientists who study archeological artifacts has become trendy in recent years with the popularity of science fiction shows such as Warehouse 13 and Stargate, where storylines involve archeological artifacts imbued with magical, scientific, or mystical powers.
  • However, in 2002, the Nebraska Department of Roads conducted an archeological survey of the Gibson area.
  • Mauro is an archeological place, and it is formed by three necropolis, a built-up area, some holy wells which have disappeared today.

  • The discoveries from an Etruscan necropolis during archeological excavations organized by the engineer Antonio Zannoni, in order to extend the cemetery at the end of the 19th century, are now in the Civic Archeological Museum of Bologna.
  • The Archeological Museum of Apaxco is an important site at the main plaza where there are many archeological pieces from Toltec, Aztec and Teotihuacan cultures.
  • The library also oversees the Archeological Museum, which houses more than 4,000 archeological items, organized into collections going back to prehistoric times.
  • These have now all been closed owing to environmental and archeological regulations imposed by the Cultural and Environment Heritage Ministry and the Archeological Heritage Ministry.
  • Sheep Mountain Range Archeological District is an archeological site, located in Clark County, Nevada, and listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

  • The first mention in specialized archeological literature seems to belong to [...] (1877).
  • An Early Archaic archeological site consisting of fireplaces has been found at Tuyajto Lake; it was constructed on a former shoreline and appears to relate to this shoreline.
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