 Translation for 'archeologist' from English to Russian
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NOUN   an archeologist | archeologists
SYNO archaeologist | archeologist
археолог {м}
archeologist [Am.]
подводный археолог {м}
underwater archeologist [Am.]
2 translations
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Translation for 'archeologist' from English to Russian

archeologist [Am.]
археолог {м}занятиенаука

underwater archeologist [Am.]
подводный археолог {м}архео.занятие
Usage Examples English
  • He went on to serve as an archeologist for the Tehuacan Archaeological-Botanical Project and as staff archeologist for the Mexican government's Teotihuacan project.
  • At that time archeologist had started to gain an interest in rock carvings, and the finding triggered Swedish archeologist to travel to Balsfjord to find the rock carving.
  • According to the archeologist Antonio Nibby in 1801 in Poggio Mirteto was discovered a mosaic with Diana which now is in the Vatican Museum: this mosaic is described in a book of the archeologist Bartolomeo Nogara.
  • Jürgen Ligi is the son of archeologist Herbert Ligi.
  • Radoslav Gruić discovered the early Christian basilica in 1925 and the most important discovery was made by Nikola Vulić, a Serbian archeologist, when he found the ancient Macedonian theater.

  • Tadeusz Andrzejewski (1923–1961) was a Polish archeologist and Egyptologist.
  • Mundardjito (8 November 1936 – 2 July 2021) was an Indonesian archeologist.
  • Francesco Valesio (1670–1742) was an Italian diarist and archeologist.
  • Following the excavations made in 2014, and the restoration interventions of the two cisterns, carried out by the Libero Consorzio Comunale di Trapani under the scientific supervision of the "Soprintendenza dei Beni Culturali of Trapani", dottoressa Rossella Giglio and the archeologist Giuseppina Mammina, and directed by the archeologist Antonina Stellino, the first scientific grounds have been laid to gain a more clear understanding of the settlements.
  • It was named for archeologist Humphrey.

  • Ofelia Giudicissi Curci (1934–1981) was an Italian poet, and archeologist.
  • The first official observations were conducted by Dutch archeologist Holpermand in 1874.
  • William Niven (1850–1937), was a Scottish-American mineralogist and archeologist.
  • As an amateur archeologist Goell helped excavate several ancient sites in Turkey with his archeologist sister, Theresa Goell.
  • In 1919 American James Edwin Pearce was the first professional archeologist to record the site for the Bureau of Ethnology (Smithsonian Institution).

  • Andrés del Corral (1748–1818) was a Spanish writer and archeologist.
  • He was the father of Kazimierz Godłowski, an archeologist and historian.
  • Dr Julian Bennett is a British archeologist.
  • Kurgans and rock paintings of Dubandi were investigated for the first time In 1960s and 1970s by the archeologist by archeologist Qardashkhan Aslanov and Sherqiyye Sadigzadeh, archaeological excavations were carried out in the nearby territory and the remains of ancient mounds were discovered, which are a group of stone and stone-sand rows.
  • Initiators of the Ancient Fishweir Project include Gill Solomon, Sachem of the Massachuset Tribe; Ross Miller; Dena Dincauze, archeologist; Ellen Berkland, Archeologist for the City of Boston; and Annawon Weedon and Jim Peters of the Wampanoag Tribe.

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