 Translation for 'archeology' from English to Russian
NOUN   archeology | -
SYNO archaeology | archeology
археология {ж}
archeology [Am.]
промышленная археология {ж}
industrial archeology [Am.] <IA>
подводная археология {ж}
underwater archeology [Am.]
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • German Fedorov-Davydov graduated from the Moscow State University Historical division in 1954 majoring in archeology.
  • While the museum's archeology gallery also boasts of artifacts of prehistoric period and the Harappan civilization in the archeology gallery, a treasure of sculptures belonging to erstwhile Ghumali - a capital of Jethwa - grace the sculpture gallery.
  • Ravasi believes that archeology is a crucial undertaking in understanding the world.
  • He is currently the Humanities Division chair at the University of Hawaii-West Oahu where he teaches Hawaiian and Pacific Islands studies courses and a few archeology courses.
  • After completing his studies at the gymnasium in Prague, he studied the history of art and archeology at the universities of Prague and Vienna ("Ph.D." ...

  • Brazilian archeology is a work perspective within Archaeology that aims to work with the specific problems and conditions of archeology in Brazil.
  • He graduated in archeology in 1981 from the University of Genoa.
  • Mundardjito has introduced the methodology and theory of archeology in Indonesia as well as developed a new branch of archeology, namely ecological and spatial archeology in 1993, which he introduced in his dissertation.
  • Ekpo Okpo Eyo (8 July 1931 – 28 May 2011) was a Nigerian scholar mostly known for his work on archeology of Nigeria.
  • He studied art history and archeology at the University of Ghent and obtained his degree in 1950.

  • Deo had a special interest in archeology and established the archeology society of Kalahandi.
  • She graduated in archeology in 1955. Her thesis about toys discovered in Gdańsk is still considered as a classical archeology publication.
  • With the large Salian dynasty exhibition in 1991 Böhme went into medieval archeology.
  • The site is of particular importance for the archeology of Palestine, since the ceramics in the individual layers were observed particularly well and published quickly.
  • "IA: The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology" is a biannual peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Society for Industrial Archeology, currently edited by Steven Walton (Michigan Technological University).

  • Since 1997, the Odesa Archeological Museum has functioned not only as a museum but also as an institute for scientific research into the archeology of primitive society in the Northern Black Sea region and the archeology of the Middle Ages.
  • Due to his interest in archeology, he has written many essay and articles pertaining to archeology and the study of it.
  • Lands where located monuments of archeology are property of state or withdrawn (sold) to state in the established by law order, excluding the land plots with the monument of archeology as fields of ancient battles.
  • Thereafter he attended the courses of the Faculty of History at the University of Bucharest, specializing in history of the antiquity and archeology.
  • The "Society for Industrial Archeology Newsletter (SIAN)" (ISSN [...]) is the Society's official newsletter, published quarterly.

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