Translation for '
archer' from English to Russian
ADJ | arch | archer | archest | |
NOUN | an archer | archers | |
SYNO | Archer | archer | bowman | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- Flags are set at specified distances for combinations of age and gender. The archer's bow type does not affect the distance the archer shoots.
- Dave Cousins (born April 16, 1977) is an American compound archer and former number one ranked compound archer in the world.
- Archer's ground robin ("Cossypha archeri") or Archer's robin-chat, is a species of bird in the family Muscicapidae.
- The coat of arms of Melhus municipality in Trøndelag county shows an archer, symbolizing the famous chief and archer from Skaun, Einar Thambarskelfir.
- Lisell Jäätma was born in Paide. Her mother is archer and trainer Maarika Jäätma and her younger brother is archer Robin Jäätma.
- He also co-authored in 2005 a book on Olympic archery technique, entitled "The Heretic Archer, "with his father and coach, Vittorio Frangilli.
- Choi Bo-min (born 8 July 1984) is a South Korean compound archer and a former recurve archer.
- The Investiture of the Archer occurs the day before the start of the Palio.
- In the ranking rounds each archer shot 72 arrows, and was seeded according to score.
- Eurytus' grandfather was Apollo, the archer-god, and was also a famed archer. Eurytus has been noted by some as the one who taught Heracles the art of archery.
- "Carex archeri" was first described by Francis Boott in 1858, and named in honour of William Archer. Archer had collected the type material in the western mountains of Tasmania.
- Vladas Šigauskas (born 7 August 1967) is a professional archer who internationally represents Lithuania. He was announced as the best Lithuanian archer of 2010 in recurve events.
- Arash the Archer ([...] "Āraš-e Kamāngīr") is a heroic archer-figure of Iranian mythology.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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