Translation for '
archery' from English to Russian
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Usage Examples English
- Archery lessons and 3D archery competitions are hosted monthly. Target and field archery shoots are held nearly every other month.
- The burial ground was also used for years as an archery ground, hence the nearby Archery Close and one of the new buildings being called Archery Steps.
- Archery GB, is the largest archery organisation of target archery in the United Kingdom, the society also covers either forms of archery including field archery, flight archery and Clout archery.
- Archery has always been a prominent sport in Solihull.
- The Imperial exam included archery. Archery on horseback was practiced by Chinese living near the frontier.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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