Translation for '
arctic fox' from English to Russian
NOUN | an arctic fox | arctic foxes | |
SYNO | Alopex lagopus | Arctic fox | white fox |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
15 translations
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Usage Examples English
- During the pupping season, Arctic fox and glaucous gulls take ringed seal pups born outside lairs while killer whales, Greenland sharks and occasionally Atlantic walruses prey upon them in the water.
- Other large predators in Jämtland include the cat "gaupa" (Eurasian lynx), the "filfras" meaning the glutton (wolverine) and smaller such as the Arctic fox.
- The tracks of an Arctic fox were observed towards the end of April.
- The Blue fox is a subspecies of the Arctic fox. Endemic to the island, the fox can be found roaming the hills and climbing the cliffs as it scavenges for food.
- Three terrestrial mammalian species inhabit the island: the Arctic fox, the Svalbard reindeer, and accidentally introduced southern vole, which are only found in Grumant.
- The arctic fox ("Vulpes lagopus") and the stoat ("Mustela erminea") have fur that changes from white and dense in the winter to brown and sparse in the summer.
- In addition to humans, three primarily terrestrial mammalian species inhabit the archipelago: the Arctic fox, the Svalbard reindeer, and accidentally introduced southern voles, which are found only in Grumant.
- In Russia, polar bear furs were already being commercially traded in the 14th century, though it was of low value compared to Arctic fox or even reindeer fur.
- There is also a population of Arctic fox, which typically have their territories near seabird habitats.
- As eggs and young, king eiders have many predators, including glaucous gull, common raven, parasitic jaeger and Arctic fox.
- In poor lemming years, predatory species such as the Arctic fox ("Alopes lagopus") will take Arctic-breeding waders instead.
- In the spring, the Arctic fox's attention switches to reproduction and a home for their potential offspring.
- 5650 BC; it includes remains of flint and a human infant, as well as fauna more appropriate to the Ice Age, such as lemming and Arctic fox ("Alopex lagopus").
- The testes of red foxes are smaller than those of Arctic foxes.
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