Translation for '
astral' from English to Russian
ADJ | astral | more astral | most astral | |
SYNO | astral | stellar |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- The Haitian tradition also includes an incorporeal type of zombie, the "zombie astral", which is a part of the human soul.
- At this point, according to Francis King, the chiefs of the Amoun Temple were addicted to mediumship and astral travel.
- Astral projection is a paranormal interpretation of out-of-body experiences that assumes the existence of one or more non-physical planes of existence and an associated body beyond the physical.
- Although Neo-theosophy presents the sequence Physical-Astral-Mental-Causal, in the jargon of some astral travelling teachings, the causal plane is the one just above the astral plane.
- Professor X can project his astral form into a psychic dimension known as the astral plane.
- ... October 15, 1969) was an American esotericist who promoted the concept of astral projection.
- The early concept of reality shifting in 2020 explains that the experience is typically said to be similar to astral projection and manifestation.
- French linguist Hubert Pernot interpreted the astral motifs of the royal children, in light of the "Griselidis" story, as pertaining to an astral myth.
- They assumed astral form, and Xavier defeated Farouk on the astral plane with a fatal psionic attack.
- Ron Hubbard formed many of his theories from those previously written about by the early to mid 20th century astral projection pioneer Sylvan Muldoon in his (Muldoon's) 1951 book The Phenomena of Astral Projection co-written with Hereward Carrington.
- The word "astral" means "of the stars", thus the astral plane, consisting of the celestial spheres, is held to be an astrological phenomenon: "The whole of the astral portion of our earth and of the physical planets, together with the purely astral planets of our System, make up collectively the astral body of the Solar Logos".
- The book explains rules for astral travel, zero-gravity combat and spellcasting in the astral plane.
- In 2012, Ohio State University professor Hugh Urban argued that Hubbard had adopted many of his theories from the early to mid 20th century astral projection pioneer Sylvan Muldoon stating that Hubbard's description of exteriorizing the thetan is extremely similar if not identical to the descriptions of astral projection in occult literature popularized by Muldoon's widely read Phenomena of Astral Projection (1951) (co-written with Hereward Carrington) and that Muldoon's description of the astral body as being connected to the physical body by a long thin, elastic cord is virtually identical to the one described in Hubbard's "Excalibur" vision.
- Others asserted, though, that the cases of silver cord observations during out-of-body experiences and astral projections are rare; [...] rather, no astral body is observed and the projector sees himself or herself as a "disembodied awareness or a point of view" in most cases.
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