NOUN | astrobiology | - | |
SYNO | astrobiology | exobiology | space biology |
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Usage Examples English
- EXPOSE is a multi-user facility mounted outside the International Space Station (ISS) dedicated to astrobiology.
- (born 21 May 1967) is a British astrobiologist who is professor of astrobiology in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh and co-director of the UK Centre for Astrobiology.
- A 2021 book, "Expanding Worldviews: Astrobiology, Big History and Cosmic Perspectives", edited by Ian Crawford explores links between Big History and astrobiology, and argues that both subjects have the potential to yield positive intellectual and societal benefits owing to their inherent cosmic and evolutionary perspectives.
- ExoMars (Exobiology on Mars) is an astrobiology programme of the European Space Agency (ESA).
- The centre launched and led undergraduate and postgraduate astrobiology courses at the University of Edinburgh leading to a textbook published with Wiley-Blackwell on Astrobiology, which is in its second edition.
- Wandel is an expert in astrobiology and chairman of the Israeli Association of Astrobiology and Early Life.
- Adamala's work includes contributions to the field of astrobiology, synthetic cell engineering and biocomputing.
- In 2019, Astrobiology Society of Britain awarded Rugheimer with The Barrie Jones Award Lecture for her achievements in astrobiology-related outreach, teaching and mentoring in the field of astrobiology.
- The instrument is based on fluorescent immunoassays and it is being developed by the Spanish Astrobiology Center (CAB) in collaboration with the NASA Astrobiology Institute.
- The European Astrobiology Network Association (EANA) coordinates and facilities research expertise in astrobiology in Europe.
- Her research interests include studies of cold adapted microbes in their relation to astrobiology, biotechnology, and bioremediation.
- Perry studied paleobiology and astrobiology at the University of Pennsylvania and conducted astrobiology research with the NASA Ames Research Center and the NASA Astrobiology Institute.
- Additionally, he is interested in astrobiology, and has given several talks regarding the topic, including one titled "Astrobiology and the Origins of Life", at the National Health Museum in Atlanta.
- Wainwright's interests are in astrobiology and the history of science.
- "Talking About Life: Conversations on Astrobiology" is a non-fiction book edited by astronomer Chris Impey that consists of interviews with three dozen leading experts on the subject of astrobiology.
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