 Translation for 'astrochemistry' from English to Russian
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NOUN   astrochemistry | -
астрохимия {ж}
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Translation for 'astrochemistry' from English to Russian

астрохимия {ж}астрон.наукахим.
Usage Examples English
  • Its importance in the field of astrochemistry is linked to its ubiquity in the interstellar medium.
  • It overlaps with many other sciences, including chemistry, cryobiology, condensed matter physics, and even astrochemistry.
  • They used this to teach an astrochemistry class until the 50-fiber bundle was broken.
  • Among the many new findings published then, most in the field of star formation and astrochemistry, are the discovery of a new interstellar molecule and the detection of light emitted at 0.2 mm from CO molecules, as well as light coming from a charged molecule composed of two forms of hydrogen.
  • As an offshoot of the disciplines of astronomy and chemistry, the history of astrochemistry is founded upon the shared history of the two fields.

  • While the lines of conceptual understanding between theoretical astrochemistry and theoretical chemical astronomy often become blurred so that the goals and tools are the same, there are subtle differences between the two sciences.
  • Formaldehyde appears to be a useful probe in astrochemistry due to prominence of the 110←111 and 211←212 "K"-doublet transitions.
  • He has also contributed on topics in organic photodevices, astrochemistry, and atmospheric photochemistry.
  • William Morgan Jackson (born September 24, 1936) is a Distinguished Research and Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at University of California, Davis and pioneer in the field of astrochemistry.
  • There, she became the University's first to develop her own astrochemistry major, training and collaborating with planetary scientists and computational chemists to study the chemical compositions of planetary atmospheres.

  • The central focus of her research is in the field of astrochemistry and the study of molecules in space.
  • Professor Williams field of study is astrochemistry, involving the study of molecular line emissions in outer space to analyse and interpret the evolutionary process of the universe.
  • During her time as an undergraduate, she was a member of physical chemistry and astrochemistry research, and published two scientific papers based on her work in the groups.
  • Tielens has contributed significantly to several fields of astronomy, including interstellar physics and astrochemistry.
  • Its detection and analysis was influential in astrochemistry.

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