 Translation for 'autonomy' from English to Russian
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NOUN1   an autonomy | autonomies
NOUN2   autonomy | -
SYNO autonomy | liberty | self-direction | ...
автономия {ж}
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Translation for 'autonomy' from English to Russian

автономия {ж}пол.
Usage Examples English
  • The first autonomy referendum was held in Santa Cruz Department on 4 May 2008.
  • The coalition aimed at promoting a degree of autonomy and self-governance of Galicia from Spain equal to that of Catalonia and the Basque Country, other autonomous communities of Spain.
  • In the sociology of knowledge, a controversy over the boundaries of autonomy inhibited analysis of any concept beyond relative autonomy, until a typology of autonomy was created and developed within science and technology studies.
  • In order to progress, residents with psychiatric disabilities need autonomy that is commensurate with their abilities with the ultimate goal is full autonomy.
  • Four types of autonomy, which promote loose coupling, are: "reference autonomy", "time autonomy", "format autonomy", and "platform autonomy".

  • The autonomy of the former Silesian Voivodeship was not reestablished.
  • 6% of the population wanted greater autonomy for Aragon, while 35.2% were satisfied with its current level of autonomy.
  • IFHE is accorded Autonomy by UGC in 2018, one of the 52 Universities in India to receive autonomy. The UGC granted graded autonomy Category II to IFHE.
  • The 1991 Sandžak autonomy referendum was held in Sandžak, Serbia, between 25 and 27 October 1991. Voters were asked whether they supported autonomy.
  • In March 1999 another organization, the Federal Lezgin National Cultural Autonomy, was established as an extraterritorial movement advocating cultural autonomy for Lezgins.

  • In 1968, Canadian NABET locals achieved local autonomy followed in 1974 by full autonomy. These locals are affiliated with Unifor.
  • The ADQ advocated liberal economics reforms, or neoliberalism, coupled with support for increased autonomy for Quebec deriving from Quebec nationalism.
  • The application of service autonomy involves two types of autonomy that allow an increase the overall autonomy of the service, design time autonomy and run time autonomy.
  • During the Second Spanish Republic Canarian nationalism went unnoticed; although an autonomy statute was proposed, the Spanish Civil War blocked hopes for autonomy.
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