 Translation for 'autopilot' from English to Russian
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NOUN   an autopilot | autopilots
SYNO automatic pilot | autopilot | robot pilot
автопилот {м}
авторулевой {м}
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Translation for 'autopilot' from English to Russian

автопилот {м}авиа.

авторулевой {м}авто.морс.
Usage Examples English
  • During the commencement of the third turn, the crew couldn't maintain the altitude that they had put into the autopilot.
  • Genesys Aerosystems has a number of forward-fit autopilot customers including Pilatus, Indonesian Aerospace, Epic Aircraft, and Aviat Aircraft.
  • In December 2021, YouTuber CGP Grey drove a Tesla Model 3 equipped with the latest beta version of Tesla Autopilot through Deals Gap.
  • In the second attempt, the pilots decided to use the autopilot.
  • The autopilot was then disengaged by the crew, as they cast doubts on the autopilot (on the cruise stage of the flight, First Officer Davtyan joked about the autopilot, stating that Captain Grigoryan's autopilot was better than him, indicating that they had doubts about the autopilot and suspected that it was not functioning properly.) Captain Grigoryan then banked the aircraft to the right.

  • On some aircraft, the TO/GA switch commands the autopilot to fly a missed approach pattern, if the autopilot is programmed to do so.
  • The exact cause of the crash was never determined, but was suspected to be a malfunction of the autopilot, possibly due to faulty wiring.
  • China Airlines Flight 140 crashed, causing many deaths, due to a misunderstanding about the manual overrides for the autopilot.
  • It can be disengaged only by completely disconnecting the autopilot (this prevents accidental disengagement of the autoland system at a critical moment) or by initiating an automatic go-around.
  • Depending on the airplane manufacturer and whether or not a GFC 700 autopilot is installed, the G1000 system will consist of either two GDU 1040 displays (no autopilot), a GDU 1040 PFD/GDU 1043 MFD (GFC 700 autopilot installed), or a GDU 1045 PFD/GDU 1045 MFD (GFC 700 autopilot installed with VNAV).

  • PX4 autopilot is an open-source autopilot system oriented toward inexpensive autonomous aircraft.
  • The model E was fitted with a prototype autopilot that used a wind driven generator and pendulums to drive the wing warping controls.
  • Each mission can be played with the aircraft on autopilot or manual control.
  • 3015 with autopilot equipment and was extended to the entire Hibiya Line by October 1970, with two additional cars, numbers 3057 and 3035 retrofitted with autopilot equipment in January and November 1963.
  • The lunar module digital autopilot of the Apollo program was an early example of a fully digital autopilot system in spacecraft.

  • The C-1 autopilot system created rumors in mainstream media regarding crewless autopilot planes flying for thousands of miles, creating diversions for enemy squads and maintaining a steady flight despite extensive damage.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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