Translation for '
autopsy' from English to Russian
NOUN | an autopsy | autopsies | |
VERB | to autopsy | autopsied | autopsied autopsying | autopsies | |
SYNO | autopsy | necropsy | PM | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- The morning after Abraham Lincoln's death, three Army Medical Museum pathologists entered the White House to perform an autopsy on Lincoln's body.
- The autopsy was conducted by two physicians, Commander James Humes and Commander J.
- In 2006 the story of Ray Santilli and the autopsy was the subject of a Warner Bros.
- The autopsy was inconclusive, but at the time forensic pathologists were members of the police and systematically produced false autopsy reports in cases of death by torture.
- Medical testimony for the defense stated that there was nothing clear about the autopsy photo of the hyoid bone and that Ingwersen's autopsy report contradicted her final conclusions.
- In an autopsy, the forensic pathologist is often assisted by an autopsy/mortuary technician (sometimes called a diener in the US).
- The older methods for understanding atheroma, dating to before World War II, relied on autopsy data.
- It took more than a week for an autopsy to be performed.
- There are not many justice systems around the world who have accepted the Digital Autopsy as their legal procedures of forensic investigations.
- a preliminary autopsy was conducted by Michael Baden, a former chief medical examiner for the City of New York (1978–1979).
- Prior to his autopsy, Kazakhstan authorities suspected he might have died from food poisoning, but his autopsy determined that he died of kidney failure, and also had a serious lung infection.
- The 19th-century medical researcher Rudolf Virchow, in response to a lack of standardization of autopsy procedures, established and published specific autopsy protocols (one such protocol still bears his name).
- In 1973, Teare carried out the autopsy on Bruce Lee, as well as Jimi Hendrix's in 1970. Teare supervised the autopsy of Brian Epstein in 1967.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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